




1. 水疗桑拿:世纪金源重庆桑拿馆的水疗桑拿采用天然温泉水,通过水疗师的专业手法,帮助顾客舒缓疲劳、促进血液循环、增强免疫力。

2. 干蒸桑拿:干蒸桑拿利用高温干燥的空气,使人体毛孔充分张开,排除体内毒素,达到强身健体的效果。

3. 湿蒸桑拿:湿蒸桑拿则是在干蒸的基础上,增加湿气,使皮肤更加光滑,同时有助于改善呼吸系统疾病。

4. 水晶桑拿:水晶桑拿采用高科技材料,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,感受到水晶般的清凉,有效降低体温,缓解疲劳。



1. 中医按摩:结合中医理论,运用按摩手法,调整人体阴阳平衡,改善亚健康状态。

2. 指压按摩:通过指压穴位,疏通经络,缓解肌肉紧张,消除疲劳。

3. 足疗按摩:针对足部穴位进行按摩,调节全身气血,达到养生保健的目的。

4. 美容按摩:运用专业手法,改善面部肌肤,提升肌肤弹性和光泽。




















1. 解放碑步行街:作为重庆的商业中心,解放碑步行街是购物、休闲的好去处。在这里,您可以购买到各种时尚潮流的服饰、美食等。

2. 朝天门码头:作为重庆的重要港口,朝天门码头见证了这座城市的繁荣与发展。在这里,您可以欣赏到美丽的江景,感受山城的独特魅力。

3. 洪崖洞:洪崖洞位于重庆市渝中区嘉陵江畔,是一座具有浓郁民族特色的建筑群。在这里,您可以欣赏到美丽的夜景,品尝到各种美食。

4. 白象居:白象居位于新华路附近,是一座具有百年历史的建筑。这里曾是国民党元老白崇禧的居所,如今已成为一处旅游景点。


After hearing Fu Jingsi’s sentence "Yes", Jirou suddenly smiled.

In fact, she really wants him to say "no" so that she can at least have a reason to stay with him.
Now that he answers so simply, she can’t find a suitable reason to say herself.
"One last question," Jirou looked up and held back her tears and asked him, "Why did you adopt me?"
This time Fu Jingsi failed to answer for the first time.
Many people have asked him this question, and he has asked himself, but he has not found the answer today.
It was a few minutes before he answered her "probably … compassion"
"Isn’t it revenge?" Ji Rou smiled wryly. "You should be very happy to see your enemy woman forced to survive and not beg for death?"
"No," Fu Jingsi said, "Jirou, believe it or not, I never wanted to get back at you."
Season soft didn’t speak around him and then stopped beside Zhou Shensheng.
Her action is that b answer.
"I said that Rourou is a measured person."
Zhou Shensheng looked at Fu Jingsi and gave him a marching orders with a smile.
"Now that it’s done, Mr. Fu doesn’t have to cut his own throat here."
"I remember your answer." Fu Jingsi took a look at Ji Rou and left without looking back.
Looking at his back, the corners of his eyes are moist.
She raised her hand and wiped it casually, then went back to her room to pack.
It seems that something bad will happen every time she returns to Los Angeles. She has some doubts about whether she is in conflict with this place-
When Fu Jingsi came out of the hotel, Yu Sen was already waiting in the building.
Today is the day he went to the hospital for reexamination. He made an appointment with the doctor at ten o’clock. Yu Sen came here early in the morning for fear of being late.
Fu Jingsi saw the wound on his face in the rearview mirror.
"Mr. Fu, your face-"
"Nothing" Fu Jingsi waved at him "Your car"
See Fu Jingsi’s mood is not right. Yu Sen will shut up and dare not say any more.
Fu Jingsi’s arm recovered well, and the doctor directly removed the gypsum board for him, suddenly freeing his hands. Fu Jingsi was relieved a lot, but his heart was still heavy.
After coming out of the hospital, Fu Jingsi and Yu Sen went to the kindergarten to take them home.
Seeing Fu Jingsi’s hand plasterboard without any experience, I couldn’t do it. I put my hands around his arm and asked curiously, "Dad, is your wound healed?"
Fu Jingsi smiled unconsciously after hearing the sound.
He touched the little guy’s head. "Well, it’s almost good."
"But dad should be careful," he told him seriously. "I asked the teacher. She said it would take a hundred days to get well."
"Well, thank you."
The little guy’s words really warmed Fu Jingsi up. At this time, he finally understood why so many people want their daughters. It is indeed a very happy thing to be remembered by his daughter.
"Dad, let’s celebrate tonight." Blinking our eyes, we suggested, "Celebrate your health. Let’s call all your good friends!"
"Huh?" Fu Jingsi didn’t quite understand her meaning.
"The teacher said that when there is good news, we should share it with our good friends" and solemnly explained to Fu Jingsi that "we should not be selfish and learn to share it"
"… well"
Fu Jingsi was convinced by her that she could promise to come.
"Well, I’ll call them and ask them to come to our house."
"Mm-hmm, that’s great." With Ba Xi smiling, "I can see beautiful Ayu again."
I have met Yu Shenlan several times, but I like her very much. I want to come to Ayu together, and she will never stop boasting.
Fu Jingsi hasn’t heard this name for a long time. Yu Xinlan has evaporated since she broke up with Nancheng.
At half past six in the evening, the three of them arrived at Fu Jingsi’s house on time.
Today alone, there is a person in Nancheng, Jiang Yun with Yan Wu and Gu Jin with Shi Mu.
Jiang Yun seldom brings Yan Wu out at ordinary times. This should be the first time to take her to dinner with friends.
Yan Wu is afraid of being photographed by paparazzi with sunglasses, masks and caps.
After entering the door, the first thing she did was to bring these obstacles.
After Yan Wu exposed her face, she suddenly "wow".
She pointed to Yan Wu and said excitedly, "Dad, I have seen this aunt! My mother covered my eyes when she kissed another uncle-"
73. Jirou, do you know how many years for child abduction?
When this word came out, the whole world was quiet.
Everyone looked at Jiang Yun with a good look.
Section 9
Yan Wu has been very popular in the past two years, and she has been seen in David’s hit dramas. It is not unusual to see her. Everyone is curious about whether Jiang Yun can accept his woman to play passionate dramas with other men.
"Haha, it seems that I am really popular."
Yan Wu didn’t feel embarrassed at all, but squatted down and kissed her face.
"Honey, it’s so cute. Auntie takes you to film and play."
"Really?" A little excited. "Then can I see myself in sight?"
"Of course," Yan Wu touched her head and smiled. "You are so cute that you will be red."
"I don’t think this drama is right."
Gu Jin took one look at talking with Yan Wu, and then looked at the calm on the side. Jiang Yun always felt that something was wrong.
Don’t Jiang Yungen care that Yan Wu is very much in love with other men?

So he said directly, "Where did that sister come from?"

"Where did you and your wife come from?" The woman is rhetorical question
Essence Zheng was on the other side of the man is a group with her.
"You’ve been following us for so long. Do you know where we come from?" Essence sneer at asked not much to hide.
"Tracking?" The woman’s rhetorical question seems very different.
"Isn’t it? Follow me all the way from Guapeng to here, "said Essence.
The woman shook her head but said, "It’s just the same way. It’s the same way from here to Guapeng, and it’s a coincidence that it’s the same way from Guapeng."
You!’ Essence is finally angry and angry. This woman is obviously playing her.
"It’s not easy for a girl to get angry at this age." The woman smiled.
Essence raised his eyebrows and gave her a look. "Elder sister, you are not necessarily young."
This woman is at least as old as she is. She may be thirty at the age of seven.
"How can you be young when you are a grandmother? It won’t be difficult for me to return my granddaughter’s silver needle," the woman said lightly
"You are … grandma! ?” Essence frightened to think of the little girl just now, at least there are fifteen or sixteen!
The woman smiled and said nothing.
Essence said, "How can I go back to what I sent out? Your granddaughter is willing to give it to me."
She admitted that she liked the silver carver very much, but the material was 100% pure silver.
It is obviously too extravagant to take this thing as hidden weapons.
All possibilities. This thing wasn’t hidden weapons!
Take it back to Lin Ruo for snow. She will love it.
It’s best to give it to Jade Evil and let him give it to that girl as a gift to surprise her!
Otherwise, Yu Xie is stupid and doesn’t even know that he wants to spend this Tanabata.
"That girl didn’t say that she wanted to send you. You bullied Xiaoqiang and forced her." The woman said that she was vaguely dissatisfied in her eyes before everything he and her husband were watching from a distance.
"I didn’t touch her hair!" Essence hurriedly excuse.
"Girl, my granddaughter saw that it was difficult for your husband to help you kindly, but your husband and wife bullied them both. Is this cruel?" The woman asked as if she was going to settle accounts.
Essence that white sneer at a way "originally is to settle accounts I also I just got here who have sinned against! If you want to settle accounts with your granddaughter, what is her bravado? Your granddaughter won’t admit that my husband and wife bullied them. It’s just a joke. Is it so serious? "
"Don’t be serious, let you return the silver needle. Are you so serious?" The woman asked.
"Is it true?" Essence is stubborn. If it weren’t for her constant juggling on weekdays, I’m sorry tonight. I’m in a bad mood. I still want to fight and I can’t find my opponent!
"Try not to hurt somebody else’s girl by taking the silver needle." The woman said lightly and sat back.
Essence is wondering where her arrogance is. However, in this instant heart, she suddenly turned around and saw ten black shadow guards arranged behind her, and then a messy step came to see the front and rear sides. There will be an army coming here and holding bows and arrows!
Essence some puzzling think this woman make a mountain out of a molehill, she really is a joke with the two children don’t know whether ling si night anyway, she is!
Is this silver needle in her hand? !
That kid didn’t give anything at that time, although she did have some threats …
"Who are you?" Essence frowned and asked if he could dispatch an army. This man must be a court official.
"Give me back the silver needle!" The woman cold tone is still different essence more nonsense.
"Are you in? Soon it was a silver needle and an archer was dispatched! " Essence asked
"Palace once again give me back the silver needle!" The woman said coldly
"No!" Essence is so good humiliate?
"Come!" Woman’s cold order
"Lingsi Night!" Bai Suyin is bigger than her. "Say it, and it will rise high in the thousands of arrows."
Ling Si night is as painful as a long-lost opponent fighting with a man. He heard a scream from Essence, and this just slowed down and hurriedly chased him up and found something was wrong.
What’s wrong with this woman? How did she soon lead to an army! ?
The bow and arrow continued to shoot the essence, hiding and flashing, and I forgot to shoot at the moment, which was very embarrassing.
Ling Si hurried to protect her behind her at night. With a wave of his hand, Leng Xuanjian mercilessly swept away like a mountain. The archers on both sides were repelled, but no one was left.
And the rest of the street is not lucky that several stalls have disappeared.
Essence huanguo to god on ling si frowned behind the night and asked "the woman? Why is it gone? "
"In front," said Ling Si night lightly, raising his head.
Sure enough, the man who had just fought with him saved the woman, and the two of them were in front of them. It seems that the husband and wife are too old to grow up.
Even this man’s speed can drive him with a firm but gentle speed. Save him from the cold Xuanjian!

"Go straight to the dock!" Logan has seen the dark blue not far away.

The whole port area was as quiet as a graveyard when the car was driving on the stone slab paving and bumping into the crack of the road rubber tire stone slab. Only when the corner was turned and the pier appeared in the realization did two middle-aged people with buckets appear in sight. They had gained something in the past night. Although the British government warned the fishermen in the east and south not to leave the port without permission, some people made a living and went fishing in the offshore area at night.
For these military vehicles, the two middle-aged people were at a loss, especially when they saw Logan wearing the military police system of the 6 th Army, and they left unhurriedly like soy sauce.
Looking at the whole dock area, there are four docks extending into the harbor, where many boats, fishing boats and yachts are docked, and some are small barges and motorboats masts. Although the forest scene is unique, Logan is more interested in being a dock where submarines can dock and are suitable for loading and unloading materials ―― it’s best to finish everything before dawn, otherwise the situation will become very complicated and troublesome when the residents in the harbor wake up and a German submarine is docked next to their dock!
Fortunately, the war not only had a great impact on the fishing industry, but also the rich people living in the south of England tried their best to move to safer places. If they had come to the Isle of Wight for a holiday at this time in previous years, most of the ports would have been full, but now Logan can’t find some places with much effort.
"Well, don’t go to the armored car at the front pier!" In order to ensure that the driver can hear the command clearly, Logan also deliberately got back into the car and shouted a voice.
In addition to the leading armored vehicle and the rear truck, both trucks are equipped with radar equipment from Calverton Point. The armored vehicle is in the first place. Private Leon holds the machine gun to be on alert. Little Scobie also takes two gunners to be on alert. Nim, a temporary traffic policeman, directs two trucks with equipment to drive to the dock. Patrick Albert, a technical officer, takes out the telephone line signal from his backpack. Although it can’t be used as a line, it is enough to summon Fiona Fang’s own ship for ten miles through special waves. Of course, the submarine receives the line wave in the water method-at least it has to be observed by periscope
"All right, girls, Bridgeport has arrived. Please get a car!"
When Logan called the soldiers to help the three British girls get to the dock where the car was located instead of entering the port, he asked them to come as soon as the car came. Logan didn’t want to delay it, and he didn’t think they would pose a threat to the operation. Moreover, in case of an accident, the three men could also serve as a cover.
When the ladies got out of the car with their suitcases, they could see that they were not used to the bumps all the way. Aunt Susan’s fat daughter was sitting in the trunk with a fluffy head and a gloomy face. Two worse faces, light or thick dresses, were turned into small faces by dust.
"Oh is the port! Great! "
"Daisy" (Daisy’s original intention) cried innocently, recalling her previous act of holding a skirt and showing off her calves. Logan thought it was a trick for adolescent women to attract the attention of the opposite sex. As far as figure is concerned, he likes to be slim, but his bones feel no curves, which is not one of them. As far as sound is concerned, he likes to be soft, but soft enough to make people feel weak, which is also excluded.
Unfortunately, this Miss Daisy was eliminated from the competition before she entered the qualifiers.
"Great! Maybe we can find a hotel to rest first and then pick us up when mom fixes the car!" The daughter of a famous "lady" (Tang Nayi) and "Aunt Susan" is really rich. If you like Wangfu’s daughter, you can consider it properly. However, Logan’s ambition in Wenger is no longer something that women can bring.
"Yes, sir, when will you help us find a repairman?"
Logan finally responded politely to Wenli’s beautiful little niece, saying, "Go to the hotel first and I’ll arrange it!"
"Oh!" Doreen beeped and said nothing.
Logan is definitely not an expert in guessing the psychology of the opposite sex, but he still sees a little embarrassment from Doreen’s brow and wants to solve this problem once and for all. He takes out a 5-pound bill from his pocket and puts it into Doreen’s hand. "Maybe you forgot your money in a hurry. Let’s talk about it when we meet again!"
The young English girl’s mouth slightly turned up and gave Logan a rather unforgettable playful smile. "Well, I will definitely pay you back when I meet you!"
Is there another time?
Brothers, hit the tickets violently at four o’clock!
Chapter 29 Best Supporting Actor Award
Dreaming of flirting with sexy beauty, Dick suddenly felt his shoulders shaken by manpower. At first, it was his wife who showed up. He was hiding something bad. He tried to open his eyes with trepidation but saw Mitchell’s chubby face.
"What’s the situation? Hmm? What’s wrong? "
"Hey Anna, it’s an emergency!" Mitchell put his face so close that Dick could smell that he ate smoked fish last night.
"Ahem, you damn fool want to scare me to death!" G a push him.
"But there is an emergency!" The chubby patrolman said with a look of bitterness, "An armored car and three trucks came in from the west. It looks like the Sixth Military Gendarmerie. They stopped at the dock. I asked Luqi to explore the situation, but he hasn’t come back yet!"
"hmm? When did the Sixth Military Police become interested in a port like Bridge? " G some wonder to wipe the face "emperor, you let LuJi to find out? He must be bragging to others again that he is close to the chef of the commander-in-chief of the 6 th Army! "
Mitchell still looks sad. "But everyone else is sleeping. Besides, I let him get close to explore the situation, but I didn’t let him chat!"
G scold a way "you know a fart! Get out of the way I don’t know what those gendarmes are doing here at this time. Are they here to inspect posts? No way! They don’t care about patrols in places like ours! It would be great if they came to take over the defense. If nothing happens, we can go back to sleep! "
"oh? Then I’ll tell everyone to get up and go back to sleep! " The foolish man was about to do this, but he was caught by his companion and got a bad look.
"You idiot, I’ll ask the situation first. Maybe we’ll help them with thugs! Oh, yes, where are they now? "
Mitchell scratched his head strangely. "At the Berlin pier!"
"Hey’ Berlin’ pier! Can they step on the German Chancellery there? " Dick shook his head and walked towards the docklands ―― compared with Newport on the same island or Portsmouth on the other side, the port here is simply not a rural place. Fortunately, the nearby beaches are beautiful, and the rich people occasionally come here to stay in the sea view apartment for a few days, but since the war broke out, especially since Germany attacked Norway two months ago, no one has the leisure to come here. The residents are all sad without income.
"I wish this damn war would end soon!" Dick muttered that as soon as the war was over, he immediately went to Meisha grocery store to buy some barrels of paint and repaint his old house, and then hung a "sea view room for rent" sign at the door to ensure that there was a market!
In a few minutes, the local patrol captain with a revolver across his waist came to the dock area. Now there are four docks in Bridgeport, which are all named by the top four European countries, namely London, Paris, Berlin and Rome. This is done for the sake of developing tourism-in fact, these docks are all pitifully small, and the longest one only extends to the sea for more than 20 meters, and only a few hundred tons of ships can dock.
Since the German army swept the western front of London, some curfews and blackouts have been imposed in the eastern and southern coastal areas, which has made Bridgeport dark all day long. Without entertainment programs, old men like Dick are in pain and are easily thrown into bed by his wife. Every time I think about it, Dick laments.
Fortunately, at this time, it was dawn, and Ke Hanyi recognized the four cars Mitchell said, including two trucks parked at the trestle, a truck and an armored car parked next to the dock.
"Who lives?" Dick was startled by the sudden sound from nearby. He looked intently and saw that it turned out to be a "British gendarme" with a rifle, but there were no large boxes of hidden things around here. Where did he come from?
Dick raised his hand half-way. "Hey, relax. I’m the commander of the Bridgeport patrol. I just heard that you are going to take over the port defense?"
"patrol commander?" The gendarme lowered his gun slightly. "Then come with me!"
Two people soon came to the code-named "Berlin" pier.
"Are you the patrol commander?"
A handsome gendarme officer came up to him and spoke a Scottish accent.
"Yes, sir. I asked Annak to patrol and guard. Can I help you?" Dick tries to sound kind and humble, although he is not like this at ordinary times.
The military police officer looked him over. "We are carrying out a very confidential task. Now we need to ask you and your patrol to help us ―― keep others as far away from the dock as possible!" "
"That’s no problem! Who will run out when it is still so early? " Dick said, "By the way, sir, I heard a muffled thunder coming from the sea and a gun coming from the south. It’s very complicated …"
"The sea muffled thunder? Er … don’t worry, there is a little situation tonight, but everything is back in our hands! " The handsome military police officer was a little surprised at first, but soon the egg settled.
"That’s good, that’s good! I’m going to set up the alert! " Dick was about to go back and call those lazy pigs to sleep when he heard a gendarme at the dock say
"Look at it!"
Curious, Chong Ke turned around to see what the so-called "it" was. It’s a good thing that he was just shouldered by the military police officer. "It’s better to come early and walk together!" I send you a huge surprise! "
"Surprise?" Ke Gang was still full of expectation that all his excitement was swept away when he realized that the ship slowly entering the port was actually a submarine ―― especially when the submarine was approaching the dock and the huge eagle emblem on the front of the control tower was clearly visible, he was even more alarmed to the point where it was a German submarine!
Because the original plan was to evacuate Logan at night, the navy was not required to remove the eagle emblem of the submarine. In the early morning dawn, this early IIa-class short-range submarine looked very different. A huge metal box was placed on the front and rear decks, which looked like a fish with deformed sarcoma. This is the fact that the navy cooperated with the sharp knife operation and specially installed it in the waterproof sealing box of the submarine, which can ensure the safety of the equipment even if the submarine dives into the deep water of 30 meters.
"We will have a wonderful sea trip to the French port on the other side of the Strait. Since you have the honor to witness it, Mr. Patrol Captain, I sincerely invite you to go with us!"
After listening to the words of the military police officer, Dick was so nervous that he wished he could lie quietly next to his wife and not get involved in this terrible thing. He hated Mitchell and hated the Germans.

Wen Zhen said faintly, "It’s hard to say that there are many people who don’t take the palace seriously in this harem."

The three women knelt down in succession to show their loyalty. "Empress De Fei Hui Fei Fang Qi, Empress followed her lead."
Wen Zhen laughed. "What do sisters do when they have a heart and the palace will firmly remember that they are kneeling on the ground?" Get up! "
The three girls stayed in Fengqi Palace for a while, and when they saw the queen, they had some hard work, so they retired.
It’s really loyal to look at Zhong Yu from Fengqi Palace. Sometimes it’s not white that the Zhong family has always maintained a neutral literary family, which is like making Hui Feichen willing to be a dog leg.
Now the emperor is still in the early dynasty, and I don’t know whether the emperor will go to the summer. The situation is not yet clear.
As the saying goes, it’s time for the queen to fight with the virtuous princess, and when both sides lose, she can reap the benefits.
It is no secret that Zhong Yu saw Princess De just gave her a sharp look. She is the queen’s eyeliner.
In order to resolve the embarrassment, "Empress De Fei is not as early as going for a walk in the imperial garden."
Xiao Zhuyin would like to know whether the emperor promised Xianfei to go to the summer vacation. If the emperor agreed to the harem, it would be very interesting.
"Why don’t we go to Fengyi Palace?"
Mu Wan-shang knew that Princess De would come to Fengyi Palace to find out the news. Fei’s clothes were packed and she needed to wear palace clothes and jewelry for the summer.
In addition to meditation in the room and practicing martial arts, auditions occasionally come out for a walk. Auditions are dressed in black strength, and others know that she is not easy to provoke, so they usually avoid walking when they meet.
But today, Mu Wan Shang invited Auditions out and turned around in the courtyard waiting for someone to deliver the door.
Xiao Zhuyin came to Fengyi Palace with Zhong Yufang and happened to see Tianyin passing by the courtyard. I wonder if she suddenly appeared in Fengyi Palace dressed strangely.
See the jade glaze came over "seen princess DE empress! Hui Fang Fang! "
"Just walked over and the woman is wearing so weird! Is it quite a Hu woman? "
"Going back to the Empress Huang is afraid that the Empress will be bullied in the harem and invited outside the palace to protect the safety of the Empress. It is very cold. I heard that people in Fengyi Palace will make a detour when they see her."
Three people face some fear, but all think of more than a year ago, Mu Wanshang appeared around him in a red dress and killed people without batting an eye.
Some regret asking this question and rushing to divert the conversation. "What is the fairy princess doing now?"
"The emperor promised to take the empress to the summer vacation. Sister Fei Yi is packing."
De Fei’ s joy is somewhat unbearable. "Does the emperor have no scruples and the queen really promised to go to the summer?"
"Empress said that after seeing my master, you should go back and pack up and prepare to go with the emperor for the summer."
Sannvxin is still very happy, but she doesn’t show that she wants to leave immediately and thinks it’s not good. Since I’m here, I always want to see a good princess.
Jade glaze will mu wan petticoats command all said it again "ladies handmaiden this to the mission"
Mu Wanshang learned that the three men had come to deliberately take out the summer frivolity and jewelry in a few big boxes of Piandian, and put them everywhere, and there were still new things coming from Jiangnan.
As soon as the three girls entered the temple, they were attracted by the jewels in the temple. It’s hard to say how much the emperor loves the virtuous princess everywhere.
Xiao Zhuyin is even more jealous of her going back and forth, that is, more than a dozen sets of palace-mounted Fengyi Palace Gong Jinhua make people look at it, which is just summer palace-mounted.
Mu Wan-shang was choosing a palace outfit and saw three girls come in. "The three sisters should know that the emperor is going to take our sisters to the Summer Palace and is preparing to pack up and help the palace to see what clothes to bring to pick and choose."
Xiao Zhuyin said, "It’s very good for an empress to wear whatever she is born with."
"Sister De Fei is really good at talking. You are busy picking some styles in the palace. The palace jewelry in the nine cities has not been touched. It’s new. When the sisters leave, just pick up some and take them away."
Mu Wan Shang has always been generous, and Xiao Zhuyin did not refuse to choose a purple tulle palace dress. "This empress will definitely like it if she wears Yong Huamei Emperor."
Today, the three girls should be regarded as fruitful, and they have returned to the palace to pack up and prepare to go to the Louvre Palace for the summer with the emperor.
Many old ministers in Wenboyuan opposed the emperor’s going to the Louvre for the summer vacation, but the emperor went his own way and planned to throw away the queen who was about to give birth for the summer vacation.
Wenboyuan’s daughter is naturally aggrieved, and it is not a good omen for Wen Gu to find the emperor who just died.
I am afraid that my daughter will make a move when she knows what Mrs. Wen said. My daughter may not necessarily listen to and can’t control many rules of the harem. It is only when she personally warns her daughter that she will accept her heart.
Wen Zhen is also waiting for the news. I heard that my father came to a face of fierce sorrow and guessed that the emperor must have ordered to go to the summer.
Still asked, "Father Huang ordered to go to the summer!" "
"It was the emperor who insisted on going to the Louvre for the summer vacation, which simply ignored Wen Gu. If there was no Wen Gu, how could an concubined emperor win the throne so smoothly?"
Wen Zhen also regrets that "the emperor is going to kick down the ladder when Zuweng dies"

Living in the spotlight may not be what the baby wants. If the baby still wants to return to this shining stage, Ye Feng will respect the baby’s choice.

Ye Feng doesn’t want to have a baby now.
He wants the baby to have an ordinary and happy childhood.
Unicorn Chan doesn’t have a social number and likes cubs. Fans have also paid attention to Ye Feng.
This time, the "competition for talents" between the nine-segment chess players and the Academy of Fine Arts also made the online ratings of Ye Feng live broadcast rise to another peak.
A few kids came out to look for materials as gifts together, but Zhou Zhou said that they should keep secrets and become more and more mysterious. No one would look for them in front of other groups.
Finally, the three adults took the delegation back to the courtyard to wait for dinner.
Several groups of hooks promised each other that no one was allowed to broadcast live at night.
You can’t let the audience spoil them. What are other people’s gifts?
The live barrage is another wail, promising that they will never spoil it.
But the regiments have been hanging on the hook for a hundred years. Don’t change it. Pull out the hook and never go back on your word.
Mom and dad also promised the group that they wouldn’t broadcast live secretly, so they could have a leisurely night.
Luo Yufei’s group should be independent. After all, Shuang Bao is not his own.
The audience who regularly watch this program has also increased a lot, and many new audiences don’t know him.
Luo Yufei decided to carry forward the 4-hour live broadcast style.
This group of temporary home is the most special and the largest bedroom for them, with four beds in it.
The room type is double sanitary design, giving consideration to privacy, and at the same time ensuring that the four of them will not queue up when cleaning.
Several other guests stopped broadcasting in the evening, and the live broadcast of Luo Yufei was still on.
Want to continue to watch the live broadcast of this program, the audience flocked to his live broadcast.
[I can’t believe Brother Xiao is actually studying? Assimilated by Qing Qing]
I always knew that we were not resident in this live broadcast. We were also writing a summer vacation last night.
[Is this just the summer vacation? Children like me will copy their studies the day before school starts.
[Wake up and see if somebody else’s children are doing summer jobs or Huanggang secret papers … I’m so conscious that it’s too big and I’m going to study.]
[Sunny sunny didn’t study. What a surprise]
[The little ear hairband is really sunny! I bought it from her.
Sunny sunny is making husky ear hairband for Luo Yufei.
She usually likes to do this kind of furry manual play. There are always material bags in the small backpack that can be taken out to play.
Luo Yufei’s mother went to the village square to dance.
Both children don’t worry about Luo Yufei. He is comfortably on the sofa playing mobile games and there is no live broadcast business.
Sunny sunny while sewing husky ears frequently out of the corner of his eye at chu que.
She felt that Chu Que had not moved for more than ten minutes. Did she fall asleep?
Sunny sunny let go of her small ears and softly rubbed against Chu Que and found that Chu Que was staring at a question without sleeping.
"Queque you won’t? I can tell you the topic. "Sunny asked softly.
"I will!" Chu Que’s cheeks are slightly red. He really won’t.
He also knows that Sunny is a three-year-old child prodigy who has been teaching himself high school courses.
But he can’t even solve junior high school problems, which will definitely make this sister look down upon it.
"This question is so difficult. I wonder if there is an auxiliary line here?" Fine fine little finger poked a roll of several patterns.
Then she went back to her little chair and went on sewing the dog’s ears.
Qing Qing sees that Chu Que seems to have a strong self-esteem and doesn’t want others to know that she is short-board, so she won’t be annoying.
Chu que didn’t speak. He looked at Qing Qing and just pointed to the position. It seems to be easier to add auxiliary lines here.
Chu que’s academic performance is not bad, and he has always been in the top of his class.
Grandpa always told him not to be complacent. There are people outside.
He is seen fine fine come and have a look and know how to solve the problem. It is difficult to maintain his self-esteem.
Should he be as shameless as the teacher said?
Chu que turned the volume forward and found the big problem that had been bothering him for a long time. He got up and walked beside Sunny.
"Can’t I help me look at this problem?"
Chu que regretted saying this when he said it. It’s still live. He feels a little embarrassed.
Sunny sunny let go of the fluffy little ears and took the roll in Chu Que’s hand and said smilingly, "How did Que Que know that I wanted to play class games? Ok, now I am a teacher and a student! "
Chu que’s face and heart are very moving.
No wonder those small groups like to play with sunny, and now he feels that he likes sunny more and more.
I wish Sunny was her own sister.
If his own sister is like Qing Qing instead of treating him as an enemy who robs his father and mother, he wouldn’t be so stiff with them.
Sunny sunny Chu Que in front of those big questions all spoke 1 time. Chu Que held a roll to digest herself, and she picked up her own hand and continued to sort it out for Luo Yufei.
"Ready so soon! It’s quite suitable for me. Hey hey "
Luo Yufei brought Husky Ear hairband.
He really likes this hairband and doesn’t even play games. He keeps taking selfies from different angles with his mobile phone on, ready to pick some photos and send them to Weibo for business.
When Luo’s mother came back, she just saw her son taking a selfie with her mobile phone.
"Silly, why don’t mom take it for you?"
"Qing Qing Luo’s father is so stupid?" Luo Yufei didn’t answer Luo Mama’s words, but turned to ask Qing Qing.
"Luo dad handsome! Hurry up, I’m going to wash my hands, and I’m going to sleep quickly, otherwise I won’t grow tall. "
Chuque! !
Curse him for not being tall!
He is of average height in his class!
I thought this sister was cute just now, but now she is not cute at all!
When Chu Que came back from dinner, he felt sweaty and sticky, so he took a cold shower.
Now he also saves washing and goes straight to bed and falls asleep.
"Come on, don’t shoot, go wash and sleep."
Luo’s mother pushed Luo Yufei into another sanitary room, and then the headlight button in that room left several bedside lamps.

But I don’t think so in my heart, do I

"It seems that Wan’er seems to be looking forward to it?" [
He didn’t sound a bit cold and dangerous.
Xu had recognized that there was something wrong with his tone.
She froze for a moment, and then she quickly emerged with a big smile on her face. "Where can I expect others to say that he is the most beautiful man in Phoenix? That’s because they haven’t seen you yet!"
"someone bet than him is right in front of me. what can I expect from him?"
He smiled, but still with a somewhat dangerous breath. "Little Wan’er, you are me …"
"Don’t think about other men in your heart, okay?"
Even if she is a plaything, she is also a plaything of his lonely moon.
She can’t think about other men until he has played with her enough.
Of course, these men include himself.
He doesn’t want his plaything to love himself.
As far as the current situation is concerned, he is obviously satisfied with the performance of Wan’er Jr.
I didn’t see at all that she was addicted to herself.
"Not even you?"
He should be sure to say yes when he comes
But he hesitated.
Somehow hesitated.
Although it was silent for a few seconds.
It was also a surprise to him.
"Of course, miss me, but remember, don’t love me …" [
Because he can’t give her anything.
If she loves him, she is doomed to be sad.
But he wouldn’t think of …
She did not love him as she said.
It was himself who unconsciously gave his heart.
The sad person is his lonely moon.
He felt inexplicably upset on the day she got married.
He has seen that phoenix glass.
After knowing that she was going to marry Fengli, he didn’t know what happened to him. He sneaked into the palace to see what kind of person Fengli was. Section 7: Inexplicable feelings 1
After knowing that she was going to marry Fengli, he didn’t know what happened to him. He sneaked into the palace to see what kind of person Fengli was.
The so-called phoenix country’s first handsome man is not exaggerated.
Fengli looks really good.
Even if you put it in the fox world, it’s an equal posture.
I wonder what kind of mood little Wan’er will feel after seeing her husband grow so beautiful? [
He didn’t go to see her for a few days after she got married.
But some of her actions he knew very well.
Within a few days, she made some things that were well known to the whole phoenix city.
She posted a notice for her husband to find a woman.
Such a move can be described as a predecessor and a latecomer.
No woman will find a woman for her husband in the way she does.
Her trip has caused a sensation in the whole city.
In less than a day, everyone will know about it.
He had the notice read and copied it back.
He couldn’t help laughing when he saw the notice.
Looks like he still doesn’t know her well enough.

Zhuge Liang did not shine and shivered all over: "Old man, you are too reasonable."

"Hehehe, I’m joking." Xia Dongliu laughed.
Zhuge Buliang and Su Xiaobai both took a chill. This is a master of the deification period, and his moves are bound to be highly effective. Although Xia Dongliu looks pleasing at the moment, no one can guarantee what Xia Dongliu will do if Zhuge doesn’t promise.
"Let’s give it a try." Zhuge was very helpless when he didn’t light up. It’s not that he doesn’t want to refuse, there is really no way.
"Ha ha ha, in that case, I’ll thank you here." Xia Dongliu smiled and said, "You can rest in the valley for another day. Tomorrow morning, I will start sealing."
Say that finish, Xia Dongliu got up and left.
"Old man, aren’t you afraid that I will fly away with the immortal bones in the future?" Zhuge didn’t smile.
"Ha ha, don’t worry, I know it." Xia Dongliu walked away.
Zhuge didn’t light up and shivered. He wondered if this old guy would be doing something in his own body. In case the brick thing is caught now, it will be in trouble. This old guy is a master of deification, so it is impossible not to know the black iron of Jiu Youwu. In ancient times, when cultivating immortals, a small piece of nine mysterious black iron led to a bloody case. Now he has such a large piece in his body, which is definitely a catastrophe for himself.
After a night of silence, Zhuge Buliang and Su Xiaobai were very worried. They didn’t want to escape overnight, but just two practitioners in the period of rotating photos. How can they get rid of an old monster in the period of deification?
The next morning, Xia Dongliu found Zhuge Buliang early in the morning. On this page, Xia Dongliu has never been idle, carving and depicting paintings in an open space in the valley, which seems to be moving some circles.
Xia Dongliu came to a clearing in the valley with Zhuge Buliang and Su Xiaobai.
In this clearing, there are countless lingshi inlaid, and they are all purple top-grade lingshi, flashing faint light and arranged according to some kind of law.
In the center of the circle, it is a shape of a real dragon pieced together by hundreds of lingshi.
"Do it up here." Xia Dongliu pointed his hand and let Zhuge sit on the dragon’s dragon’s faucet.
Zhuge walked into the array and sat at the leading position. Time, intuition around the essence of heaven and earth are gathered here. This magic circle has the function of collecting the essence of heaven and earth.
Su Xiaobai stood at a distance.
At this time, Xia Dongliu suddenly moved, and his hands quickly tied the French seal. At the moment, the golden light was dazzling and soared into the sky. Xia Dongliu bit the tip of the tongue and spit out a mouthful of JingXie. This JingXie into Jin Guangzhong, in this Jin Guangzhong, unexpectedly there is a bloody.
That drop of jingxie seems to be a pigment, which melts into the golden light, and the golden light becomes red, and condenses into a tall figure behind Xia Dongliu. Chutianchu, behind this bloody shadow, is condensed into a long sword by these two lotus flowers.
"This is the blood sword shura of the Dugu family!" Su Xiaobai’s pupil contracted.
Xia Dongliu saw his one eye, didn’t speak, and concentrated his attention. His hands were constantly sealed, and the lotus flower was foaming at the mouth, tearing the sky and breaking the sky.
The tall blood sword shura seems to be alive, and opened a pair of indifferent eyes.
Blood gas fills the air, and the blood sword shura moved, pulled out the blood sword behind him, and shot out the array of Lingshi. The blood sword enters the circle, and instantly turns into blood gas and blends into it.
Then, the blood sword shura hit several blood swords in a row and gathered in the circle.
In the magic circle, all the lingshi give off dazzling light. In the magic circle, all the light is erased and turned into a shady scene, and the light from the lingshi is as dazzling as the stars. Zhuge is not bright at the moment, just like being in the starry sky.
A real dragon appeared under him, bared its teeth and growled. Zhuge was not bright and white light surged, so holy.
Xia Dong rushed into the circle like a welcome, pointing at Zhuge’s dim body again and again.
After finishing everything, Xia Dongliu has already oozed sweat from his forehead. It seems that this series of actions is quite difficult for Xia Dongliu.
At this time, Xia Dongliu took out the jade box and took out the immortal bones. At the moment, all the brilliance in the array was condensed to the immortal bones and Zhuge.
There seems to be some connection between the two. Xia Dongliu played a tactic, and the immortal’s bones turned into a streamer and rushed into Zhuge’s dim body.
At this time, however, the sudden change made Zhuge not bright, and the seven acupoints in his body shone brightly, and the purple star was dazzling. The immortal’s bones contain endless pure essence of heaven and earth. At this moment, the essence of heaven and earth in the immortal’s bones is flowing into Zhuge’s dim body at an alarming rate and being swallowed up by seven divine points.
"How can this happen!" Xia Dongliu was taken aback and his pupils suddenly dilated.
Ps: Many people ask how many beautiful women and heroines appear in this book. There was only one design. It may be changed later. Also, many people think that the name "Seven Stars Treasure Body" is too vulgar, and Xiao Yao will change it these days.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-two Fix for a breakthrough
Zhuge felt abnormal when it was not bright, and the pure essence of heaven and earth roared like a tsunami. The seven caves were like a demon with an open mouth, and they came and absorbed all the pure essence of heaven and earth. In an instant, Zhuge’s dim vision in the body was displayed, like thunder rolling, and like a thousand troops galloping.
"Not good!" Xia Dongliu’s face changed wildly. He used the occult method to retrieve the immortal’s bones, but now the immortal’s hand bones were sucked by the seven points in Zhuge’s unlit body.
The crazy essence of heaven and earth entered the tank, and Zhuge didn’t light up his mind like a blast. He couldn’t bear the crazy essence of heaven and earth.
At this time, a stream of black gas rushed out of Zhuge’s dim body and hit the immortal’s bones.
"There are things in his body! ?” Xia Dongliu surprised way.
At the moment, it’s not only Zhuge who doesn’t light up the seven points in his body, but also devours the essence of heaven and earth in the immortal’s bones. There is also a black gas that wants to snatch the immortal bones from the past.
Finally, Xia Dongliu spewed a mouthful of JingXie into the immortal bones, and with a wave of his hand, he abruptly pulled the immortal bones out of Zhuge’s dim body.
The carved circle was also broken in an instant, and Rao, a master of Xia Dongliu’s deification period, was also shaken back several steps. Zhuge, who is in the eyes of the array, is not bright but is shrouded by a Beidou light curtain. It’s just that Zhuge didn’t shine because he was hit by that crazy essence of heaven and earth, and the whole person was unconscious.
It’s not that his consciousness is not firm, but that shock wave is too strong.
"Well" Xia Dongliu stuffy hum 1, his face became ugly.
"What’s the matter?" Su Xiaobai came up.
Xia Dongliu shook his head. He looked at the remains of the immortal in his hand. The hand bones of the immortal were still bright, but one finger was obviously dim.
"There’s something inside him!" Xia Dongliu looked pale and said, "Besides, I’m naive. The Seven-Star Treasure Body is more overbearing than I expected."
"So what now?" Su Xiaobai said.
"Take him into the room." Xia Dongliu a face of wrinkles, sighed and shook his head, turned and walked towards the hut.
Zhuge, who was in a coma, didn’t know it. After seven acupoints in his body absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, they were being transformed into the original elements, and they gathered in the dark abdomen of Zhuge, and the achievement method operated on its own.
In the light curtain of the seven caves, there is a black plank brick suspended silently, but if you look closely, you can see it now, except for the black plank brick. There is also a black shadow flashing in this big dipper screen.
At this moment, Zhuge did not shine in the abdomen, and the real yuan vortex whirled rapidly, blending the essence of that day into it. The real vortex becomes colorful, flashing colorful brilliance, and then all these brilliance are transformed into pure white light.
Zhuge didn’t know it, but his cultivation was flying up, from the first floor of the rotation period to the second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor and the fifth floor, and he gradually stabilized until he entered the sixth floor of the rotation period. In a wonderful state, the essence of heaven and earth absorbed by the seven divine points from the remains of immortals is rapidly improving Zhuge’s dim cultivation.
It was not until Zhuge’s dim cultivation entered the sixth floor of the rotation period that everything calmed down. The seven caves faded, and the mysterious shadow gradually disappeared in the Beidou screen.
It was not until noon the next day that Zhuge woke up at dawn, and the dazzling sunlight shone into the room through the window. Zhuge narrowed his eyes slightly at dawn, and then got up and sat up. Memories gradually returned, and Zhuge didn’t light up and sounded the natural thing. Immediately, he sat down and looked inside.
"There seems to be nothing surprising." Zhuge was puzzled when he was not bright. He searched every corner of his body, but there were no bones of the immortal.
"Didn’t the seal succeed?" Zhuge couldn’t help thinking, "Wait a minute, the cultivation seems to have improved!"
Until then, Zhuge didn’t appear until dawn, and his own cultivation changed from the first floor of the rotation period to the sixth floor of the rotation period. This leap-forward promotion made Zhuge stunned for a while and didn’t understand what happened.
Zhuge pushed open the door before dawn and came out. Outside the house was a splashing pool. At the moment, Su Xiaobai stood on the water in white with a Gu Jian in his hand. The white dress fluttered, Su Xiaobai tiptoed lightly on the water, and the whole person volleyed, the sword danced, and the sword splashed a layer of water, and the water droplets fell on the body of the sword, but they were not broken.

Without the hidden stakes, eleven people sneaked into several big trees near the river bank. When they got here, Ji Dong could clearly feel the enhancement of the castle scanning intensity. Obviously, the closer the holy soul scanning is, the stronger the scanning power is.

Ji Dong looked at the four towers with slightly narrowed eyes and thought to himself that this thing didn’t know how it came into being, but it shouldn’t be a human being. Otherwise, it was impossible to protect himself without four holy-level strong men when he robbed the prison in the dark. If it was an array or something that produced effects, he must try to destroy this thing before he got the artifact, and it would be much easier when he came back. He won’t aim too high this time, but he can destroy the dark temple once, twice and three times. They are full for a year and a half.
It’s been almost a quarter of an hour since they cleaned up the hidden piles, and it’s almost an hour since Aunt Moer said it’s going to Ji Dong. I’m not worried that those dark magicians who sent women over will find that the hidden piles are not cleaned up. Chapter 594.
Ah Kin gave her a thumbs-up and praised her perfection. At this time, he didn’t wear the eye-catching golden armor, and his exquisite and graceful body was wrapped in the black dark magic robe, which looked a little amorous.
The second hidden pile is less than 50 meters away from the first one. The prayer for returning is a stone pillar, but a big tree. Heaven knows that there is a dark place all day. This big tree is so thick that it hides people anyway.
After all, being able to have array protection and concealed weapons is still a minority. This time, Ah Kin naturally went to Ah Kin. His body almost skimmed over the ground. When he pressed his right hand on the ground, he told Ji Dong that this had been solved. The thick metal spike in the tree hole almost flashed from the side into the skull, and even directly stabbed his tongue, which made him even have no chance to scream. Life has passed.
Peripheral dark piles are thus cleaned up by two people’s suspense, and it is close to a distance of 100 meters from the moat. Previously, Ji Dong detected that three crown magicians are all near here, and at the same time, there are more than a dozen six crown magicians. If you want to reach the moat here, you must get rid of these people. Otherwise, there are crown magicians, and their soul force cover may not be able to hide it when they pass here.
Ji Dong and Ah Kin get together and communicate directly through their souls.
"What should I do?" Ah Kin asked Ji that she was not sure to kill a crown magic teacher without disturbing the other two crown magic teachers.
Ji Dong thought for a moment and then said, "I’m afraid we have to take risks. I can divide them into individuals. How long will it take you to solve a crown demon master?"
Ah Kin said, "Ten seconds at most."
Ji Dong nodded. "Okay, then ten seconds. I’ll guide you to the attack sequence later."
A Jin Dao "white"
It is extremely labor-saving to cooperate with Congren. Ji Dong has always understood this moment. He originally protected the two people’s soul force and quietly expanded it. The area has been completely shrouded. The silver soul light is swept out close to the ground and expanded with the diffusion of soul force. From the ground, it is even mud, which will completely cover the surrounding area.
When Ji Dong asked Ah Kin about the attack, it was because he couldn’t help. There was a holy level soul scan outside, and he had to deal with it. At the same time, he had to help Ah Kin divide these hidden piles so that they could take care of each other. This required that his soul force must be released. Ji Dong could not enter the battle, otherwise a bad one would be discovered by the soul force outside.
Without half a warning, all the silver filaments suddenly rose from the ground and completely enveloped this area. Only Ji Dong and Ah Kin could see Ji Dong’s deliberate concealment, and it was impossible for outsiders to find out that it was his spiritual realm that dreamed of silver.
A series of silver filaments wrapped the dark piles sadly, but they were still at a loss. Everyone was isolated from this strange spiritual realm. Even if there was a violent roar around them, they would never hear the scenery in front of them, and it would never change. This is the strength of the spiritual realm and a wonderful response of Ji Dong.
In an instant, Ah Kin has moved. This time, she didn’t hide her breath. The magic face was released. Except that she didn’t wear the golden armor, now she is in a state of perfection. She has a dreamland and Ji Dong’s soul to cover Ah Kin. There is nothing to worry about.
Her body flickered past four hidden piles of six crown magic masters, and she had solved each other conveniently. Until the moment of her death, Ah Kin failed to immerse herself in the dreamland of silver.
In less than one breath, Ah Kin has already come to the front of the first crown magic division, and the harsh golden light suddenly lights up. Ah Kin’s right hand has turned a golden sword into a chest stab at his opponent to deal with those spikes protruding from the ground of the crown magic division. It is unrealistic and will definitely be induced by the other side. Ah Kin simply attacks it head-on.
Gexiu, the Crown Magician, is indeed not comparable to the Six Crown Magicians. At the moment when Ah Kin attacked, he could not see anything, but he felt a strong crisis. He did not hesitate to use his hands to protect his chest. The strong yellow light has formed a huge ball of light to wrap his body. This is a Crown Magician. Although he is not wearing a red robe, Xiuxiu is also a red high priest.
A sonorous explosion sounded the crown, and the E-soil magic division screamed. A body had crashed back and severely hit a big tree behind it. The yellow light was like an eggshell, and it was instantly cracked. Then it exploded into several light spots. Jin Jiu’s crown magic and holy power attacked him. It was already a manifestation of strength that he was able to stop this blow, but even so, it was a mouthful of blood. Wow, it gushed out.
This crown demon master is also good at keeping up with the crisis. When he throws a bamboo tube with his right hand, he throws it out instantly, which is obviously a signal thing.
At the same time, when a lazy snowball doesn’t shout, he doesn’t look back to his right hand and presses a huge stone to the ground. Now he wants to have the first blow to escape. In the collision, he feels that the other side respects the strong and can’t run. Isn’t that too long? How can Ah Kin let him escape from himself? Her eyes flashed off, her figure rose like a golden flash, and her right hand pressed a golden light. Suddenly, the sky condensed into a big hand and fished it into the bamboo tube. At the same time, she completed a wonderful broken line in her body, and the golden sword in her hand was cut off as a pledge.
At this moment, Ah Kin’s murderous look has come out of generate to hide in the distance, and Ji Dong quickly increases his ability to hide the dream silver magic domain for fear that Ah Kin’s magic will be discovered by Zhongsheng level detection.
In the sonorous explosion, the boulder has made a clean break, but the crown magician rushed out five meters away before rolling, and at the same time, his left hand was thrown behind him, which turned out to be a scroll.
This crown demon master is resourceful. Every strong man who has reached the Tianshi level is always good at his own killer weapon. He is no exception. Throwing this scroll is a killer skill of the earth. Although he has not met the level of killing skill, he is also very close. If he is released, he will be able to stop Akin a little, and then he can run far with his crown strength.
Unfortunately, he didn’t know that he was not hunted by a nine-crowned magic master, and at the same time he was trapped in another more terrible spiritual realm of the strong.
So when he threw the scroll, people were already stupid, because Ah Kin appeared on his front, and the golden sword flashed into his eyebrows, and the scroll he threw was wrapped in a strange light, and the magic of triggering the scroll was instantly drawn.
The reel can’t be started when it closes its roots.
Ah Kin’s body flashed to the scroll without stopping for half a minute and had already rushed in the other direction.
How could the former Crown Magic Master escape from the influence of the magic domain in the dream silver magic domain? He didn’t even know that he had turned himself. It’s strange that the roots of the scroll were thrown in the opposite direction, and he was also facing Ah Chin to meet the undead.
In the dreamland of silver, Ah Kin has the guidance of Ji Dong’s soul, which is like a duck to water. Ji Dong did not rush to let her attack the other two crown magicians, but guided Ah Kin to kill all the six crown magicians and get their dark crystal crowns before coming to the second crown magicians.
This time, Ah Kin met an old woman who was an opponent of Guishui and a crown woman.
Moreover, this old woman is wearing a crimson robe, and it is obvious that she is a red high priest.
There was no difference between the golden light and the dream silver in front of the red high priest. Before the crisis, the red high priest naturally didn’t respond at all, but her sense of crisis was stronger than that of the previous crown magician, and her responsiveness was faster. A triple heavy ice shield was formed almost at the first time, and at the same time, a purple armor was added to protect her body. At the same time, her mouth gave a scream, and her body turned backwards and her feet went out to attack in the direction of Ah Kin.
This response is very perfect, and it is worthy of wearing a red robe. The actual combat ability and practice are much better than those of the previous crown magic division.
It’s a pity that the red high priest didn’t know that when Ah Kin started this fight, Ji Dong gave her instructions and two words were worn out.
The powerful auxiliary demon possessed by Ah Kin, who pierces the demon domain, is harsh, and the white and golden tip instantly blooms with white and golden light, but it doesn’t.
Before the absolute strength attack, everything can be in vain. The red high priest’s flip has not been finished yet, and he is about to release the magic field immediately, but it has already stopped. The golden sword light flashed right through her jaw and stabbed the whole person through the top of her head, while the three layers of ice shield were completely penetrated by the golden light, but the ice shield didn’t even have a crack. How terrible the piercing power was.
In those two attacks, Ah Kin didn’t even dodge. It’s strange that she could be hit.
With his right hand, he got that pretty good crown, dark decyl crystal crown, and the secret passage in Akin’s heart. This time, Bao Er is blessed. Although he thinks about his body like this, he has already pounced on the last goal.
At the same time, Ji Dong also sent a forward signal to his heavenly saints. The last champion magician Ah Kin didn’t attack in the previous way. There were still 30 meters away from the other side, and the golden light flashed in his left hand. A huge long bow and a golden light string were pulled back by his right hand. A golden sword has emerged. The extreme gold magic of the earth has instantly condensed a little white light, and the golden light flashed with the arrow for a moment. The famous champion magician has been nailed to the ground by instant seconds without even reacting.
Also get the crystal crown Akin back to Ji Dong and smile slightly. It was full of pitfalls, cold and charming, just like spring flowers. I can’t help but stay at Ji Dong.
"It feels so good to cooperate with your dreamy silver demon. If you hadn’t woken up, I would have forgotten to wear out the demon. It’s a pity that you wouldn’t let me destroy the golden ring, otherwise they would die faster."
Ji Dong doesn’t adapt to Ah Kin’s exultation. "Artifacts can’t easily make our artifact light breath too strong, and it’s easy for the other party to rest assured that you can give full play to it."