Whether Qin Dingfang really collaborates with the enemy or not, Qin Honghu is firm on Qin Dingfang’s side.

Because Qin Dingfang bought him off and gave him a lot of money and promised to give him another fortune in the future.
Qin Honghu then cried, "I believe that the magic of Kunlun, the king of Qin, is a bird who followed the king of Qin to get money for his brothers …"
Qin Honghu came with several hands.
Almost all infernos are people who seek money for profit. Qin Dingfang usually gives money and things. Many people also recognize Qin Dingfang and follow Qin Honghu.
There are still some inferno masters who haven’t moved yet.
This part of the devil cholera head
Cholera cried, "Don’t believe that the North Devil took everyone to meet Blood Ancestor and swore allegiance to Blood Ancestor. Now he has gone back on his word. Everyone wants to live forever and help Blood Ancestor!"
The Hunger knew that Qin Dingfang was selfish and asked Yu Beixue to buy cholera, so he could also send a team at this time.
So cholera led the remaining demons to Qin Honghu and they fought in a scuffle.
This is really lively and defeated the Wulin alliance inferno
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one The inferno (3)
There was a fierce battle between the two sides, and some people were killed and fell to the ground, and soon many demons came one after another. They were amazed to see one of their own fighting in one place.
Cholera greeted these later inferno experts to help The Hunger Qin Honghu, and then shouted for them to help Qin Dingfang. So later, they rushed to the inferno experts to help Qin Dingfang according to their preferences.
With the continuous participation of personnel, the fighting became more and more fierce, and the scene was a mess.
The Hunger and Yu Beixue also took the opportunity to evade the people in many places. It is more difficult for Qin Dingfang to tell who is who. Qin Dingfang not only killed several people who supported the blood magic, but also killed two people who helped others by mistake.
The demons also don’t understand Qin Dingfang covering his eyes.
The Hunger looked like a fly in the chaos. Qin Dingfang sighed in his heart. The Hunger raised his bleeding finger and put his mouth to suck his magic face. He also regained his mocking color.
The Hunger today is really miscalculated and almost destroyed Qin Dingfang’s hands.
The Hunger, even if Qin Dingfang turned against him, he could control the situation by controlling magic. As a result, Qin Dingfang had already made all preparations.
Fortunately, I finally survived the most dangerous time.
Now The Hunger is a shoo-in.
Because the static magic will decide the overall situation as soon as it arrives.
The static demon should have come long ago, but it hasn’t arrived yet, which makes The Hunger very angry
If Jing Mo had arrived earlier, he wouldn’t have been flustered and lost a finger.
Qin Dingfang killed two people with a sword again, and I don’t know who killed them. I saw people flashing everywhere around me and I couldn’t hear both sides fighting.
The Hunger looked at random killing Qin Dingfang seems to forget that he was almost killed by Qin Dingfang earlier. He sneered at Qin Dingfang, "I can’t even look at me and want to kill me. It’s so stupid! I can’t believe you can’t see or hear what big waves can be turned up. "
The Hunger echoed in sound stage, but Qin Dingfang couldn’t hear him, but Qin Dingfang was white, so it was hard for him to kill The Hunger.
He didn’t dare to take the veil.
The Hunger won’t miss the opportunity to perform "magic control".
Qin Dingfang also dare not take the plug easily.
There is no way to fight in such a chaotic scene.
Let’s go before the static demon gets there.
Qin Dingfang’s figure rose from the killing field, and now he can’t tell the direction. Qin Dingfang then went in one direction at random. At the same time, he shouted at the support of his own people, "Let this fool everyone and leave first today! I’ll settle accounts with him tomorrow … "
So Qin Honghu and those who supported Qin Dingfang quickly broke through and evacuated.
Although The Hunger also wants to take the opportunity to kill Qin Dingfang, the present root people can stop Qin Dingfang.
The Hunger can also watch Qin Dingfang go.
Qin Dingfang floated a few feet before picking blindfolded cloth.
Looking back, Qin Dingfang saw The Hunger standing a big stone and looking in his hiding direction.
The Hunger saw Qin Dingfang turn his head and raise his hand to draw a magic control figure. Qin Dingfang was so surprised that he quickly turned around and continued to fly forward. The Hunger gave a scorn and ridicule.
Qin Dingfang was so angry that he shouted, "Shame on me and I will never let you go!"

* * Glanced at him from the side. "Tell the temple a good news. The results of the secret examination of the palace province have come out!"

"Are you? What is the result? " The teenager asked with great heart, generally speaking, women are the most ideal candidates for imperial concubines through the examination of the palace province. Although there are still opportunities for others, I am afraid there will be great opposition.
"The ideal candidate is … a family and … a long-time family!"
The boy breathed a sigh of relief when * * said the last name.
I still don’t talk when I see a teenager * * deliberately said, "If I had to choose, I would choose the eldest daughter of the Prince of Kuninomiya, but from the very beginning, I hope that the temple will personally choose its own concubine. If you want to choose a family, I will never object!"
"No mother!" The teenager bowed his head. "I think you have a good eye!"
"All right, Hirohito!" * * Still maintained that faint, sad smile "Like is like nothing to be ashamed of!"
The boy looked up and his eyes flickered slightly.
Soon after, Hatano, the palace minister, conveyed the meaning of the Festival Queen to Jiuer Palace, and then the two families exchanged engagement tokens, and the engagement was settled.
However, this marriage didn’t go smoothly because of the approval of both sides. Because the good grandfather, Prince Asahiko, suppressed the side curtain of Changzhou Francisco in the curtain-falling movement, and the good mother was born in the Samo Francisco Shimadzu family, Changzhou Panfa was born in Tanaka and others were determined to stop this marriage (Yamagata Aritomo unfortunately died in a coup in 19o9, and according to the historical exhibition, Tanaka will become the new Changzhou Panfa collar).
According to the materials of the former president of the Red Cross Hospital, the first opponent published an article in a medical journal in Tokyo, tracing the process of color blindness of the Shimadzu family in the past dynasties from the perspective of inheritance. Because the good mother was born in the Shimadzu family, such as Hirohito and Yoshinori, she was brought into this bad legacy, and the future emperor may become color blind.
Then Tanaka and others encouraged Saionji Kinmochi and Matsuzawa Masayoshi, two elders, to maintain the "sanctity" of the royal lineage and demand the dissolution of the two marriages. Later, they also invited Prince Gong Bogong to lobby to persuade Kuninomiya to take the initiative to ask for the dissolution of the engagement.
It snowed early in Tokyo after winter came.
After hearing the news that the DPRK opposed his marriage, Hirohito spent hours in the snow-covered East Garden.
"It’s not good for the temple to catch cold outside in such a cold day!" Empress Jie hurried from her own residence when she heard the report. Although Hirohito was not her only son, she was the cleverest and most beloved husband, Hirohito’s father, and Emperor Taishō, the current ruler of Japan, who suffered from meningitis in her childhood. Although her health improved slightly as an adult, she often seemed a little delirious after she acceded to the throne and met with ministers and foreign envoys. Therefore,, the assistant to Empress Jie, often got along more with this virtuous mother.
Hirohito turned his head to the queen and leaned his face to look very dignified.
"Please rest assured that the mother wants to breathe fresh air!"
"I know the temple is worried about a good marriage! But please don’t worry about the royal family, and those people can’t interrupt! " The woman suddenly said in a very firm tone
"Mother …" Young eyes are not as determined as his expression.
"Temple you are sooner or later to the throne! Please remember that your will is everything in this country! " The woman leaned over and left with her attendants.
It’s snowing again in the sky. The teenager turned around and continued to stand in the snow.
After the winter, the temperature in Berlin is still low, and before Christmas, there will be one snow after another. Whenever Chen Tian looks up at the world wrapped in silver makeup outside the window, he can always keep a calm mind and think about everything.
Just after the heavy snow ended, there was still a cup of strong black coffee on his desk in the evening, and there was also a plate of exquisite snacks next to it. It was the first batch of butternut chocolates produced by Adamas Chocolate Shop, the king of Austria, which was nearly 10 years earlier than the Belgian in history. Of course, they will also bring a lot of income to the Austrian king.
It’s that snacks have been here for a long time, but Chen Tian didn’t enjoy them. For one thing, he is not very interested in chocolate, so they will be much more decorated than food
Knock, knock, knock.
The door was gently knocked.
"Come in!"
After the door was hit, the squire von Jonalette appeared at the door. The squire of the emperor, who had been recuperating for more than a year due to injury, finally returned from injury not long ago. Although his left hand was inevitably disabled, it did not prevent him from continuing his royal loyalty.
"The Bishop School is here!"
"Well, let him in!"
Then, with a slightly better body and balder head, Schift hurried into the room. According to his usual practice, he would not speak until the squire closed the door. This time, it was the same.
"This is the latest news that the Japanese have engaged in contradictions!"
Chen Tian took the Schiffert report and read it briefly. The situation is not as serious as he just said, but a group of people in Changzhou Francisco are color-blind on the pretext of opposing the marriage of the eldest daughter of Prince Hirohito of Kuninomiya.
"You Gong Liang for a long time …" Chen Tian gently read the name. He didn’t delve into Japanese history. Fortunately, he happened to have heard of the name and the famous color blindness incident.
"Let our ambassador to Tokyo go to the activities to let the Japanese, especially Jiuyou Miyagi and Samoyed, know that we are very happy to see Jiuyou Miyagi’s daughter and the royal family too combined!
But don’t forget that beating around the bush can make people think that we are deliberately interfering in their royal affairs! "
"I am white!" Shifter’s words are still so concise and fast.
Soon after, as predicted by Chen Tian, Changzhou School was quickly attacked by Jiuer Palace School, Samoan School and some political dignitaries, among which Prince Kuninomiya had the strongest attitude. His famous engagement was that the royal family had to be dissolved first, but if the royal family really dissolved Yuren Liang’s engagement, he would kill Liang first, and then he and his family would have a caesarean section because of humiliation. Shan Bingwei and others also firmly supported Prince Kuninomiya’s great teacher Sugura Chonggang, and China attacked Changzhou School, followed by the queen and queen.
Under the strong pressure of public opinion from all walks of life, Yoshiyoshi Tanaka resigned from the six-phase post, and Yujiro Nakamura, the minister of Changzhou, also resigned as his minister. At that time, the influence of Changzhou faction on the people in the ruling and opposition parties also rapidly weakened
In the end, a short but direct statement from Nishinomiya Province ended this storm. Despite all kinds of news in the world, it was decided and changed.
Although the attitude shown by the German government in this storm did not affect the final takeover, Prince Kuninomiya thanked the German ambassador to Tokyo, and the attitude of some officials who had been wary of Germany changed.
Tu Mei Chapter 44 The new President Day Fleet
November 7, 1917, the voting date of the US presidential election.
When Marshall walked into the meeting room, he saw his aides sitting in their seats with serious faces as if they had learned the news of losing the election.
"Hey guys, what’s wrong with you? Show some courage. Is Warren so terrible? " Marshall waved his fist, but the reaction was so cold that he was a little chilling.
The election has just begun, but Marshall, a Democratic candidate and former vice president, has already lost in the Republican candidate Warren Gamaliel Harding’s competition. In the minds of most Americans, there is not much suspense about who will become the new president.
Looking at the crowd, Marshall sat down in a chair and counted down his last day in the White House.
If Woodrow Wilson were still here, the Democratic Party would not have lost so badly in this year’s election, because his expansionist and idealistic political ideas were still accepted by many Americans. Even his legacy, the Washington Naval Treaty, is also known as the treaty of lasting peace brought by the United States. If this trend continues, the Republican Party will not take any advantage in an election. However, Wilson was unfortunately killed in the explosion that shocked the world. Marshall, his partner and successor, later took over the presidency. But compared with the former vice president, his luck was not so good. In Marshall, the US government witnessed Germany invading Austria-Hungary and ruling more than half of Europe, but Pershing led an expeditionary force into Mexico and was beaten to the ground. This is not the worst.
Shortly after the election in 1917, the Japanese and Germans sprinkled salt on Marshall’s wound. On June 6, the naval fortress in Tachi declared the completion of the huge project. From the end of 1914, the progress of the project was delayed for financial reasons. However, it was completed within three years and seven months after the signing of the Treaty of Polynesia between Japan and Germany. This military project cost 500,000 yen (US$ 2.5 million at that time), not only to expand the port where the French left the fort, but also to consider the distance from Tachi. Tuzu is the farthest naval base and port of the Japanese government overseas, which is more than 4ooo nautical miles. Therefore, at the beginning of the design, the Tahi naval fortress was required to be able to complete the knot and trek across the ocean to reinforce when the enemy’s powerful offensive lasted less than a month.
In this way; Tahi was designed as a steel fortress stronger than Lushun and Qingdao. The largest number for fortress guns is four 356 mm fortress guns jointly manufactured by Wu Haijun Factory and Japanese Steel Works. This giant gun with the maximum range for 25 kilometers; capable for shooting 6375 kilograms for armor-piercing bullets or 625 kilograms for high-explosive bullets at 135 degrees per minute; and hidden of concrete fortifications and armored turrets; is suspected of being the nightmare for incoming ships. The key to the fortress defense is 16 20 mm fortress guns purchased from Krupp factory in Germany. These single guns, which are protected by armored turrets, are equipped in seven batteries overlooking the sea to resist the attack of a powerful battleship. In addition to two kinds of large-caliber fortress guns, there are many 203 mm, 150 mm and 120 mm fortress guns, 105 mm, 40 mm artillery guns and hundreds of heavy machine guns in Tahi fortress.
The whole fortress, including the coastal defense fort, the six defense fort and the infantry fortress line, usually includes the total number of naval troops stationed on the ground reaching 9oo, which can last for 10,000 people for half a year. There are many berths with superior conditions in the grain and materials harbor, as well as three repair docks and a small shipyard built by French colonists. The Japanese army can maintain and repair various ships including battleships. In addition, the Japanese army has built a large airport and two hidden small airports behind the port, and there are more than 20 planes stationed at ordinary times, of which 12 torpedo planes are purchased from Germany.

When landing at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Chang Sheng and Ji Leng brought their luggage out together, and I saw someone holding a banner to welcome them from afar.

However, this time, Chang Sheng has not seen the diaosi mentality of this scene for the first time, and he greeted him calmly and calmly.
The other party also greeted him, looking very excited and happy.
He was quickly surrounded by people, and as for the Jileng of his peers, he was already squeezed out.
Chang Sheng looked back at Ji Leng and waved to him through the crowd: "I will go to your house the night after tomorrow! Do a good job and wait for me! "
Say that finish, then walk away.
While those who are surrounded by the ever-victorious courtiers look at their colleague Ji Leng with envy.
At this time, many people remembered that Ji Leng and Chang Sheng stayed in Spain for a season, and their relationship must be extraordinary!
So the person who had pushed him out before turned around and greeted Ji Leng with a smile: "Hey, old Ji, hard work! Tired from the long flight? That what … Oh, please help me to win some autographs … You know I have several friends who are his fans … "
Season smile nodded, not for just being pushed out. "Well, I’ll help you find him!"
Chinese-style enthusiasm and reception are not unfamiliar at all, but in the previous life, he and the work leaders entertained others together, but now he has been received by others with high standards.
In the evening, in a five-star hotel, Changsheng attended an invitation-only banquet arranged for him by Today Morning Post, a resplendent private room, a table of exquisite food that Changsheng had never heard of before, only heard of high-grade white wine, red wine and foreign wine that he had never tasted, leaders in suits and potbellies, and waiters in fitted cheongsam, tall and outstanding in temperament …
Such an occasion has always won two lives, and it is the first time to enjoy it.
While cursing "corruption" in his mind, he ate and drank happily.
Anyway, both sides are happy.
Ji Leng is also attending such a reception for the first time because of his constant success.
However, after more than half a year’s experience in Spain, there is nothing nervous about the cold season. He sits in the diagonal position of constant victory, although he is low-key, but he responds calmly and appropriately.
Although the director of the social news department who felt sorry for him half a year ago was also present, Ji Leng was able to be supercilious when communicating with him. In fact, he has to thank this narrow-minded editor. If he hadn’t sent himself to Spain, how could he have had such an experience?
Ji Leng lamented the impermanence of life.
Don’t bully the young poor, and don’t bully the middle-aged poor …
And the editor-in-chief looked at the calm and cool season, and his heart was mixed.
His original sincerity made things difficult, but now it seems that he has helped people he hates.
This reality made him very unhappy.
But now the cold season is beyond his control …
He was also worried that Ji Leng would give himself a bad look when he came back. I didn’t expect people to ignore himself at all.
This made him even more uncomfortable.
He ate the most unhappy meal.
Of course, he is unhappy, and no one cares. He is always playing soy sauce, which has nothing to do with Chang Sheng’s coming here. It is already very good to invite him to eat and drink. Who cares if he is happy or not?
Chapter two hundred and twenty-nine Your son is talented
The business activities went smoothly. Chang Sheng visited the building of Today’s Morning Post and sat down with the reporters and editors of the Sports Department to chat.
Then he took a group photo with leading reporters and editors in front of the brand wall of the newspaper.
This photo will appear in the newspaper to show off their abilities.
The next night, Chang Sheng took gifts to visit Ji Leng’s home under Ji Leng’s leadership.
In an ordinary residential area, ordinary two rooms and one living room, a different family with two employees.
Changsheng saw Ji Leng’s family.
Ji Leng’s family is not sensitive to Chang Sheng’s identity. They only know the interviewees of Chang Sheng and Ji Leng’s work.
That’s all. An old mother, a woman and a two-year-old child don’t watch football, they don’t know football, and they don’t know the significance of Chang Sheng as a football coach to China football-this is the formulation of China media.
But with them, Changsheng feels relaxed and comfortable.
He noticed that Ji Leng’s son was running around the house with the football Ji Leng gave him.
"Children like it very much!" Changsheng sat on the sofa and looked at Ji Leng’s son.
Ji sneered: "It’s okay."
Finding adults talking about themselves, Ji Leng’s son leaned in and stood in front of Changsheng, holding a football and looking at Changsheng outside.
Changsheng saw that he was naive, so he reached out and touched the child’s head with short hair.
The child looked a little shy, turned around with a football and ran to find his busy mother in the kitchen.
Chang Sheng shouted behind him, "Brother, will you teach you how to play football?"
The child ran back in a circle and asked Changsheng, "Do you want to collect money, uncle?"
"Cough!" Ji Leng, who was drinking water, was choked.
Ji Leng’s wife, who came out of the kitchen, explained awkwardly: "There are interested classes in the nearby Children’s Palace, and they all charge money. He must have heard from somewhere … well, children learn things very fast …"
Changsheng laughed: "It’s so cute!"

Water is a pot of water, and there is not much fullness in one sip. How do you say that players have different drinking habits? Who knows how much you drink? It is still calculated according to the standard one pot and one pot.

"Not to say that there are 1175 people answered? Why didn’t anyone see it all in Chang ‘an? Kao "with the idea of robbing/robbing clean water food, Chi Tandan looked around to see if there were any people while following the map instructions, but after walking for half an hour or so, he was extremely depressed because he didn’t see a figure."
The hot sun continued to shine on Chitan Dan’s body in cold sweat, so that the hundred bags of short jackets were soaked, and the yellow sand and dust turned out to be white and the hundred bags of short jackets became yellow; If you belong to your own weapon, you should put it in the bag, either carry it on your back or carry it on your shoulder pole. Because it is iron and belongs to the ordinary order, it becomes very hot in the sunshine, which makes Chitan Dan have to switch between his left and right hands.
Finally, the pot of clear water was drunk ten minutes ago, but the map index is also very close to the end point. Chi Tan Dan took a look at his hunger and thirst degree of 6, but fortunately he could continue to insist; Hunger deduction is based on the player’s activities, such as fighting, handling, running, etc., in which fighting is the most consuming hunger. Be sure to pay attention to hunger so as not to be killed by an enemy player, but to be dizzy because the hunger drops.
A dark hole suddenly appeared in the long yellow sand, and the wind rolled sand and stones through the hole, but no sand or stone fell into the hole, as if the hole had strange power to exclude these things; Chitan Dan rushed to the front of the hole with a roll and then rolled directly into the hole. As soon as he shrank outside the hole, it became dark.
"trough sandstorm!"
Listening to the ghostly howling wind and watching all the storms whizzing through the cave, I wiped my forehead with sweat; The storm came and went quickly, and after about five minutes, the hole returned to bright light, and the sun shone again from the outside.
"When you successfully reach Chang ‘an, you can explore in the cave on your own. If you want to get a photo, you will start the sunset train."
"It’s been a long time, and it’s not a sunset in Nima!" Chitan Dan sitting on the ground Ganhao way
The fifth chapter sunset (3)
Food and clothing people can’t fatten up! New needs support, raise a fat hair! Your vote is the source of my code word update!
Walk along the trapped road for about five minutes. The sunlight method is transmitted in. Chitantan takes out the torch from a hundred bags of jackets and lights it. After burning, the torch "soars" and illuminates the place around Chitantan for three meters. Looking up, he finds that it is also made of bluestone. Chitantan suspects that this pothole channel should belong to Chang ‘an Waterway. Otherwise, how can there be arcs around it?
Compared with the hot arc tunnel outside, it is very cool, which slows down the thirst of Chitantan and makes the thirst slowly float on the basis of 35; There are still 9 meat buns in Chitantan. Although there is no water for the time being, meat buns are more important than water in this environment.
"Phoenix Pavilion, Guifei Pool, Huaqing Academy, Chenggan Hall, Xuanwu Gate …" Chitantan muttered 17 names and moved forward slowly; He read out all the loopholes so big that there are profitable loopholes in all these places. If a person walks too lonely, he will recite these place names to relieve loneliness.
Minutes later, Chitan Dan felt a loose body. The so-called loose body is actually a psychological one. He walked all the time in a tunnel that is not very wide, and suddenly he came to a very spacious square. When he felt it, he would feel a loose body.
Several torches lit up instantly when Chitantan walked out of the hole. The whole scene was spectacular and Chitantan was very shocked. In the light of the torch, you can see that several rockeries are scattered around, and the pavilions are hidden in the rockeries, and there are fish ponds and lotus ponds distributed in the pavilions like pins.
"Imperial Garden" Chitan Dan shouted excitedly, but soon he frowned and had too many impulses. He was afraid that he would make a mistake again and became cautious and knew how to think about the cause and effect.
"No, Reagan didn’t get it at sunset. I can’t possibly reach the imperial garden. Is this a fantasy? It’s not true. It’s not a Xian Xia game. How can there be such a powerful illusion? Is it a formation? " Chi Tandan thinks that the formation is more reliable. In martial arts, many strange formations can make people lose their way and give people the illusion of killing each other.
Chitan Dan is still wondering if the imperial garden suddenly stands upside down after 1 minute in formation, and then all the pictures turn into one frame and then move at a dazzling speed; When this mural is stable, it is a chaotic mural. You don’t need to show it all, and you know that if you want to pass it, you must restore the mural to its original appearance.
"Yeah pit dad! I don’t have a photographic memory. If I can restore it and copy it, there is an hourglass timer. "There is an hourglass in the right corner of the mural, and Chitan Dan exclaimed.
"boom! ! !” When I arrived at the whole mural, it suddenly broke and scattered to reveal a passage. Wall lamps were hung on both sides of the passage, and I was puzzled when I looked around. How can there be a passage without restoring the mural?
"If you restore murals, you can directly reach the underground Chang ‘an; If you are not a genius, you should be diligent and make up for it.
"I look down on ordinary people with IQ!"
It is very uncomfortable to whisper that the foot of Chitantan has just settled after stepping into the passage, and once again I heard the general statement, "If you step into the passage, you will give up on your behalf;" This passage is dangerous and confidential. Please be careful to prevent it. If you die in this test, you will quit the sunset, that is, this challenge failed and you will take this again. "
Chitan Dan looked at the ground and then looked at the walls on both sides. In film and television dramas, the floor often rolls and the wall shoots several crossbows or the left and right walls suddenly squeeze in. Therefore, Chitantan pole poked at the ground and then poked at the wall and found that there was no movement before taking a step forward.
"No, I don’t have enough meat and no water. If I don’t arrive in this way, I will be hungry and dizzy; Alas, impulse is the devil! "
"Hey, hey, hey, hey." Suddenly, the channel rang with a sly smile.
Catch the rooster who has been lying on his back, shake the meat bag at it and then shake the kettle; Chitantan watched the cock move several times in a row until the cock screamed and screamed. Chitantan cheered and waved his fist and jumped up.
So far, Chitantan is worried about the completion of the rooster-killing method, but now he can’t just sit around and wait for the rooster-killing method.
Thousands of players in a green state in the Gemuer desert shouted and fought with the sand thief. They tried their best to eliminate the sand thief riding a camel and finally broke into the green state. Victory is in sight. The players are killing harder and harder. With the calm command of the big brother’s "Don’t commit adultery today", the sand thief leader collapsed and the extermination of the sand thief was successfully completed.
The iron tower at the warehouse where the sand thief put food and clean water is staring at the players’ handling. Suddenly, the players are carrying, and they give an exclamation and then turn their faces and look at the iron tower. The tow swears that just one second ago, a bag of grain and a pot of wat basket were lying three meters away in front of him.
But just one second later, a bag of grain and a basket of water actually disappeared; If he has a person who may be blind, he can see that the player who is carrying it is also frightened. The tower knows that this is not an illusion. This is a weird incident in Nima!
A player who was sweeping the battlefield outside Lvzhou was puzzled. He looked at the sandbag in front of him and poked his partner next to him. He said, "What are you looking at? Turn it over quickly. Maybe you can find a leak."
"No, I just seemed to see a camel carrying food and clear water. The strangest thing is that the camel has a rooster on its back." The stunned player explained.
"Is there such a thing?" The companion straightened up and looked in the direction pointed by the player who found the cock. You can see that there are pieces of sandbags, no camels, let alone cocks
"What the hell!" Tower and the player who found the rooster lamented outside Lvzhou at the same time.
When Chitan Dan looks through the autumn water and becomes a "chicken-watching stone", it is like riding a white horse king. It has a basket of clear water in its mouth and a bag of food. Chitan Dan jumped out of the ground excitedly, hugged the rooster and kissed him mercilessly and shouted, "Yee Gong, you really are the biggest BUG, the most awesome BUG and the cutest BUG."
This process is a bit fantastic, and some people can’t believe it. Look at the chick staring at the ground/watching the world ruin the rooster, and then look at the bag of clear water and food. It’s still hard to believe that the rooster actually realized the "milk chicken" with a simple demonstration.
"You really want to go against the sky!" Chitan praised himself and then began to move forward step by step; It is said that it is not a genius to make up for the shortcomings, and there is no time limit. It took nearly three hours to walk through the test channel less than one kilometer, and one of them was consumed by the rooster.
The fifth chapter sunset (4)
"Cut cheated" looked at the rear channel Chitantan depressed muttered that there was no machine coming all the way, and nothing happened to harm him for a long time.
"The real test of epigenesis is here", an old and powerful voice rang in Chitantan’s ear.
Chitan Dan was startled. He had considerable fighting experience, and the sound he heard sounded behind him. Instead of turning his horse back, he made a false move from side to side, which allowed the enemy to dodge in both directions. But in fact, Chitantan returned immediately after the fake move and used the "wind pole method" to make the enemy approaching him directly swept three meters away.
"Do you feel sorry that the younger generation will die here at a young age?" A white-haired warrior of about fifty years old, wearing armor and holding a pike, walked out of the dark with steady steps. He said to Chitan Dan in the oil lamp that Chitan Dan didn’t answer, and he didn’t answer. This is someone else’s NPC playing lines, so he didn’t start a friendship.

Notice that Chu Yi can’t help exclaiming that it’s heaven and earth that rob thunder, even the strong in Tianzhu territory. If you are not careful, you may be nullified by these thunder, but Chu Yi is rushing to bathe and rob thunder, which will not shock everyone.

"The temple can’t!"
They exclaimed but want to stop ChuYi move is already can’t come.
Just see Chu Yi’s head, a huge dragon bigger than fate emerges, and the dragon of fate emerges and sings in an instant.
The dragon of fortune was wrapped in Chu Yi and crashed into the cauldron of the Sun, Moon and God.
There has been a great spirit, vitality, refinement and shelter. The tripod of thunder, sun and moon barely maintained its shape and did not collapse, but after a long time, the result was unpredictable.
Now I suddenly got the help of Chu Yi’s own destiny, the dragon, the moon and the sun, and the tripod’s foundation soared suddenly. When I was shocked, I saw that the huge tripod cover flew up with a light beam that ran through heaven and earth, and it was exploding for nine days.
In the tripod of the sun and the moon, the amount of Bao Guang bursts out unexpectedly, and that piece of robbery thunder is scattered like rain, and robbery thunder suddenly becomes root water and disappears in the blink of an eye.
Nine days, the clouds are gone, and the sun is shining in the big day, but the sun, the moon and the tripod are shining with dazzling treasure at the moment.
The mysterious yellow treasure light sets this big tripod off more solemnly.
When Wang Yang and others were amazed at the good looks of the Sun and Moon Divine Ding, they saw two figures slowly coming out of the Sun and Moon Divine Ding. Who was it not Zhu Houzhao Chu Yi?
See Chu Yi Zhu Houzhao two people out of Wang Yang and others Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief from the Sun, Moon and God Ding.
The Great God Dynasty is short of people, but it can’t be short of Chu Yi and Zhu Houzhao. Otherwise, the Great God Dynasty will not be far from falling apart without one person.
Zhu Houzhao and Chu Yi’s face lit up to see the look of Wang Yang and others, and they could guess the merits and demerits of the Sun, Moon and God Ding.
Although the Sun, Moon and Divine Pot came from their hands, they didn’t know about the situation of the Sun, Moon and Divine Pot now, but it was Chu Yi and Zhu Houzhao who really understood the situation.
A few people shouted at Chu Yi and Zhu Houzhao before, and their eyes fell on the tripod of the sun, the moon and the gods like mountains behind them.
For everyone’s mind, Chu Yi and Zhu Houzhao can see through them without guessing. They looked at each other and heard Chu Yi say with a smile, "The cauldron of the sun and the moon has become everyone and followed me into a view."
Chu Yi stepped into the cauldron of the Sun and Moon God first, while Wang Yang, Zhao Yun and Yu followed Chu Yi and jumped into the cauldron of the Sun and Moon God without hesitation.
The body, the sun, the moon and the cauldron are large enough, but people sacrifice the sun, the moon and the cauldron, which is a substitute for the emperor’s all-his-money, which is naturally larger than the majority.
As the saying goes, Na Sumi is in charge of this day, the moon and the gods are in the middle of the tripod, and the world is vast, which is much more vast than that of the emperor who used to cover a vast area.
However, nowadays, the world of this cave is a vast expanse, and there is nothing but richness and vitality.
South China reality, Zhang Daoling and others are sensing the situation of this land, and their faces are filled with satisfaction.
Wang Yang smoothed her beard and smiled. "With this day, the moon and the tripod, I am a big step towards the immortal god."
Chapter one thousand one hundred and seventy-one The Tao is in harmony with the Buddha
A few people’s eyes are even more towards Chu Yi and Zhu Houzhao. They have seen the past. Wang Yang’s great god’s theory of identity or status can be said. There are absolutely few people in the crowd who can match.
Just listen to Wang Yang blunt ChuYi and Zhu Houzhao a ritual way "temple, positions also ordered my people to move here to live".
There is a time when the sun, the moon and the gods don’t gather together to enter this world. It is conceivable that the vitality of the world will definitely become more and more strong, even if it is for a large number of people to practice, there is absolutely no problem.
Zhu Houzhao frowned slightly and looked at Wang Yangdao. "What your family said is that I am now a great god facing many people. Although the world of the moon god is vast, it is absolutely not enough for me to face several people."
Zhu Houzhao added, "Besides, I can’t just give up the vast area occupied by the Great God Dynasty."
Wang Yangwen couldn’t help laughing. "Pursuit is to send my ministers. It doesn’t mean to move all the people here. It’s just that some people are moving in here. As Pursuit said, it is impossible to give up the vast area occupied by our Great God at will. After all, it also means that our Great God is full of vitality."
At this moment, Chu Yi said, "This matter is not so difficult, but the Sun and Moon Divine Ding can be hung in the sky on weekdays, and the original imperial city ruins can be rebuilt as ideal city, and then the large array can be built and sent in and out. Once the enemy attacks, it can be closed. The Sun and Moon Divine Ding is naturally not worried about the emperor."
Listen to Chu Yi’s solution. All the people smell speech and nod their heads in a bright eye.
In just a few days, tens of millions of people have entered the Sun and Moon Divine Ding, and Chu Yi and others have spent a lot of time. The Sun and Moon Divine Ding is no different from the small world, and the vitality of the Sun and Moon Divine Ding is faster than that of the Sun and Moon Divine Ding.
Qingtian Emperor’s dynasty was created by Qing Di, and the emperor’s dynasty was built by Qing Di. Even if it is a rare sky column, the strong Qingtian Emperor’s dynasty is just guarding a duke.
On this day, hanging in front of the Qing Emperor Palace, the patrol Tianbao mirror suddenly shone brightly. At that time, the imperial city turned its eyes in the direction of the Qing Emperor Palace.
No less than dozens of earth breath passed. If Chu Yi and Zhu Houzhao can detect these breath, they can certainly find that these dozens of earth breath are all strong breath of Tianzhu.
The Qing Emperor Palace has not been opened for nearly ten thousand years, and the emperor Qing Di has been closed for more than ten thousand years. For a secular dynasty, the emperors may have changed for hundreds of generations, but for such a behemoth as the Qing Emperor Dynasty, it is only a little longer.
Qing Di has been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, but he has reached the realm of heaven and heaven. Tianzhu is the realm of heaven and heaven. Anyone who practices this realm is to thoroughly master a law of heaven, and if it is consistent with the law of heaven, it will never die.
It can be said that the cultivation of the Buddha’s realm hardly falls, which may be called immortality.
If the strong in Tianzhu territory master a law of heaven, then Tianzun territory can play with a law of heaven at will, and the law is the same.
It’s a miracle that the law can really be consistent with the Tao, even if it’s a million years or ten million years in this world.

Xuanji gave a ha ha laugh. Go ahead. "

Li Feiyang said in fear, "I dare not sit."
"Nothing, sit down, you are my disciple, don’t be so formal."
Li Feiyang whispered: After that, he carefully found a chair and sat down.
"The world yogi conference is just around the corner. It’s not just that you young disciples want to compete with each other. It’s hard to avoid some contests between us old things. Flying, the face of our five elements can all fall on you. " Xuanji son sat down opposite Li Feiyang and walked over.
Li Feiyang’s heart came, but he still asked like a fool: "Master, the face of the five elements fell on me to be humble. How can it be so great?"
"Ha ha, you are not, but you have endless heart sutra. How about, can you recite the practice method of Infinite Heart Sutra to me in these days? While I still have a little time, I can also prove my cultivation from it, and then I will attend the yogi’s conference, which will also establish a reputation for our five elements. "
Li Feiyang’s embarrassed way: "This is not impossible, but Master, there are too many contents recorded in the Infinite Heart Sutra. I’m afraid I can’t recite it in just a few days."
"Never mind." Xuanji waved his hand and said, "You don’t have to recite it all, just tell me the part of practice."
Li Feiyang oh, "well, then, I’ll back to the owner now …"
"Li Feiyang …" Xuanji reached out a hand and tapped on the desktop: "You promised to be so happy, you didn’t mean to give me a fake, did you?"
Li Feiyang said that you are not a stupid old guy, but there was a look of fear on his face: "I dare not fly, I swear to heaven, and it is really impossible to be true to recite the law …"
"You don’t have to pretend for me either. I’ll be honest with you." Xuanji’s face sank: "I know your boy is not stupid. If you play something fake for me, I can’t tell the difference, but I can tell you that if I show you what tricks you are playing, you will be shocked by the current situation!"
Li Feiyang’s heart thumped, pretending to be in a panic: "Boss, you promised me that day that you would help me hide what happened to Elder Lei …"
"I promised you! But I didn’t let you move the ruby mirror! " Xuan Jizi said angrily, "Do you know how long it took me to understand the wonderful use of the ruby mirror? You actually took the mirror soul away … but speaking of it, the Infinite Heart Sutra is really amazing. It is such a wonderful way to get rid of the soul. " Speaking of this, Xuanzi looked at Li Feiyang with bright eyes: "Don’t try to play any tricks with me. If you dare to get me a fake heart sutra, I will kill you immediately!"
Li Feiyang hurriedly lowered his head: "I dare not fly."
"All right." Xuanzi’s tone slowed down. "As long as you treat me sincerely, I won’t treat you badly. I promised to help you refine Yuan Ying, who is amazing in thunder. Now is the right time. Let him out."
Li Feiyang immediately hesitated, but when he saw Xuanji staring at his eyes coldly, Li Feiyang suddenly realized that he had no choice, put his hand into his sleeve, and released the shocking Yuan baby from the cultivation ring.
A fuzzy humanoid light and shadow appeared in front of the two people, and Xuanji reached a finger, and a white light came out of her fingertips, which imprisoned the Yuan baby. Then his body shook, swish it up to the front of Li Feiyang, grabbed his arm.
Li Feiyang suddenly felt that a vigorous strength had invaded his meridians, and his whole body could not move. In horror, he quickly started the drunken fairy Mochizuki Ayumu, and he was going to recruit the thunder Excalibur, and wanted to forcibly use it every day, but he heard Xuanji’s son groan and said in surprise: "Nothing? Where did you put this baby? "
Li Feiyang understood that Xuanji could not see the ring of cultivating immortals. His heart relaxed and he said calmly, "The master … imprisoned him in the body according to the method of infinite heart sutra …"
Ji Zi’s face was shocked again, but she was quickly relieved: "Sure enough, sure enough, well, I will help you refine him now."

Chapter 68 The insidious Xuan Ji Zi
Xuanji hit a few spells and spread them all over the four corners of the room. Then he bit his finger and squeezed a drop of blood as a guide. Boom, the whole room suddenly became an independent circle.
Then, Xuanji withdrew the imprisonment of Lei Jingtian, and the distorted human figure shook a few times and slowly became clear.
Eight _ zero _ power _ sub _ book _ w _ w _. t _ x _ t _ 8 _ 0. _ c _ o _ m
Ray’s impressive expression looked a little confused. After a while, he seemed to wake up and suddenly flew out, but just together, he was immediately bounced back by the surrounding circle.
At this time, Lei Jingtian saw a gloomy face of Xuan Zi and Li Feiyang who was up to no good.
Impressive yuan baby broke a loud thunder, "Xuanji son, you collude with this little beast, what do you want? !”
Xuanjizi looked at Lei Jingtian faintly, raised his hand and reinforced the surrounding circle again: "Elder Lei, you accused Li Feiyang of being a traitor to our family and killed him without the permission of the head. Do you have anything else to say?"
Lei Jingtian snorted: "I want to see the elders of the Discipline Hall, and they will have a fair evaluation!" "
"Hehe …" Xuanzi smiled contemptuously: "You don’t have that chance."
Lei Jingtian felt the murder in Xuanji’s words and immediately looked at him in horror: What do you want to do? "
Xuanji reached out and folded several strange handprints on her chest, then took out the abandoned ruby mirror from her bosom, and a strange six-pointed star-shaped pattern emerged on the mirror.
"Six Yin seize the spirit array definitely … should this kind of evil spirit be heretical …" Lei TC horrified stare big eyes, Yuan Ying hurriedly stepped back, but before he could finish, Xuan Ji Zi had stretched out his hand and sacrificed the ruby mirror to his head, and a powerful suction came out of it, sucking his Yuan Ying in a blink of an eye.
As soon as Yuan Ying entered the ruby mirror, the whole mirror suddenly jumped violently, and a crackling explosion noise continued one after another. What made Li Feiyang feel more horrified was that a surging invisible coercion actually came out of the mirror and swept the whole room. A wave of anger, sadness and fear mixed with helplessness and deep unwillingness went straight to Li Feiyang’s mind. Li Feiyang only felt that there was a loud bang in his head, and the whole person’s mind was shaking and almost fainted.
"Steady mind, this is his yuan baby in the impact of your yuan god, at this time is very dangerous, pay attention! !” With a drink, Xuanji kept turning his hands up and down on his chest. White light rushed into the ruby mirror like a blade, and the ruby mirror beat more violently, even with a thunderous sound. Obviously, Lei Jingtian has struggled to the extreme.
Li Feiyang had no choice but to sit cross-legged at this time and stabilize his mind according to the practice of endless heart sutra. But Rao, the strong impact is still like the waves constantly stimulating Li Feiyang.
I don’t know how long it took. Just when Li Feiyang was about to lose support, the ruby mirror in Xuanji’s hand suddenly flashed and a green light rushed up. Although it was in the circle, the harsh light easily penetrated the circle and went straight to the sky.
Of course, the disciples and elders of the Five Elements Sect saw this vision, and suddenly they were surprised and rushed towards Lingyun Pavilion.
Li Feiyang also woke up from the meditation, and just saw Xuanji take a long breath. There was a color of exhaustion in his brow. Before Li Feiyang could say anything, Xuanji had thrown something in front of him.
Li Feiyang subconsciously reached out and caught it, but it was thrown to the ground again. "What is this thing, how is it thorny?" Randomly realized that it was wrong. Although there was a feeling of acupuncture from the fingertips, it was not the kind of hurt pain, but the touch of electric numbness.
Xuanji son didn’t good the spirit of the smile a drop of blood on it, with yuan god and its unity, become your unique multiplier, your boy is lucky, I also refined a lot of refining device, this is the best one, just, with your humble cultivation, to fully urge the utility of this multiplier is far from perfect. "
Li Feiyang let out a cry and looked grateful: "Thank you for your kindness." After that, he was really hesitant. I don’t know why, but he vaguely felt that Xuanji’s eyes were flashing.
Xuanzi shook his head: "That’s all, you just need to write the Infinite Heart Sutra for me as soon as possible. Well, you should drop your blood and collect it, and I’ll protect you."
Want to protect the law? "Li Fei Yang Yue hesitated. He felt that the favor of Xuanji was a little big, and the ruby mirror was so refined? And gave it to yourself so easily?
"hey!" Xuanzi’s body shook, and the brush rushed to Li Feiyang’s side, grabbed his arm, and the palm of his hand touched his fingertips gently. Li Feiyang only felt a pain in his fingertips, and a drop of blood flowed out. Before he could respond, Xuanzi had thrown it on the multiplier.
Li Feiyang was surprised in the heart, and subconsciously felt that he was going to suffer. As a result, he only felt a bang, and the whole person spent flowers at the moment, and there was a white dreamland.

"I don’t believe she has a heart of stone and can’t forgive you if you have these things delivered to her home for you every day!"

Silent month flow sound eyes light up slightly.
There was something of expectation in his eyes. "So she will forgive me?"
"If she still likes you in her heart, she will certainly forgive you."
"women are always duplicitous and say that they won’t forgive you. I don’t know if I have forgiven you in my heart."
I don’t want to forgive you so easily, so this requires you to act to show your sincerity. "
Silent month flowing lux eyes lit up bit by bit.
If a woman is full of duplicity, then she doesn’t really mean it when she says she doesn’t like herself.
At the thought of this, the sound of the silent moon feels that his heart is like a pool of stagnant water.
Think about it. Although she keeps saying that she doesn’t like herself today.
But every time he has a little intimacy with her, she looks at herself so obsessed.
If you really don’t like him, how can you show her that look?
Thought of here, his heart is more sure that Jiang Xue Bud still loves him.
"Big black dog, I’ve decided!"
Ji Yue Liu Yin clenched his fists with firm eyes.
Wolf Yan froze and frowned. "What have you decided?"
Smelly fox … Talk a surprised a at first glance.
The sound of the silent moon gave him a truly beautiful smile. I firmly said, "I will let people send her things every day according to your method. If she still refuses to forgive me, I will rob people on my wedding day."
Wolf Yan stunned and flashed a trace of consternation. "Are you going to rob someone?"
This ….. It’s really not like this fox’s style.
Silent month flow sound canthus curved laughed "yes, her heart must be like me >
I will be doubly kind to her if I rob her, and she will forgive me when I grow up. "
"Temple …"
Two people were talking when a woman’s voice sounded. Section 96: I don’t like going around in circles.
"Temple …"
Two people were talking when a woman’s voice rang out.
Silent month flow sound looked up and turned out to be Qing Lian came along.
"What can I do for you?"
Qinglian was somewhat guilty when she saw the sound of the silent moon [
She bowed her head and didn’t dare to look at his low voice. "The Second Hall … is waiting for you in the living room."
Silent moon streaming sound stunned expression way "second brother?"
Ji yue Liu Yan actually took the initiative to find him.
This makes the silent moon sound very unexpected.
At the beginning, he followed the little fox to their residence only to find that there was already one person there.
Fox couldn’t find anyone crying and saying that his father didn’t want him.
Later, the little fox said that he was going to find his father and left him.
Today … I don’t know whether he found them or not.
When I got to the living room, I really saw the traces of the lonely moon sitting there.
Silent month sound gently shouted a "b-brother …"
The wandering mark of the lonely moon immediately turned around and smiled when he saw him, and walked towards him.
"I don’t know if brother wants to see me for something?"
Because he always suspected that Jiang Xue Bud had been sucked out of Yin qi, he did it.
When I saw him, there was no good face in the silent moonlight.
Silent Moon Traces Silk doesn’t mind his indifference and unfamiliarity, and says with a smile, "Can’t my brother come to see you if he has nothing to do?"
The sound of the silent moon has a surprise. I raised my head and frowned lightly. "B-brother has something to say. I don’t like to beat around the bush."
"Hey, now you look at me like a stranger. Is my brother meaningless in your heart?"
The look of the lonely moon’s flow marks is a little lonely with a sigh [
He slowly walked aside and sat with a face of nai, saying, "We used to have the same feelings as our brothers, but now B-brother is also sad."
Silent Moon’s eyes turned around him for a while with some doubts. "Brother is afraid that you didn’t sigh with me today, did you? Section 963: Did you do it?
Ji Yue’s eyes wandered around him for a while with some doubts. "B-brother is afraid that you are not sighing with me today."
Silent moon, a moment, he raised an eyebrow and smiled. "You were not so unfamiliar with me before the sound flowed, but now you are doing this to me because of your desire."
After listening to the sound of Jiang Xue’s silent moonlight, I thought about it before I spoke. "Is it because your brother is here today?"
He drank two mouthfuls of tea with interest and turned to say "Exactly".
"I know that you suspect that I have been sucked up by Mu Wan" [
Ji Yue Liu Yin paused in a faint tone and said, "She went to Brother that day, and the last person she contacted was also Brother. Can I not doubt it?"
A faint smile hung from the corners of her mouth. "Do you doubt that I should be because that thing is really mine?"

His fast speech speed gives people a more nervous feeling, and the coming events cast their shadows before them describe this moment.

On the other hand, in Lazio, Italian commentators are faster and more excited than English commentators. Lazio fans kept cheering and cheering for their team through the TV.
Compared with today’s huge Lazio fans, the fans who can go to the scene to watch the game are still nine hairs in Niu Yi, so there will be many Lazio fans who can’t go to the scene and can only watch the game in front of the TV.
In spite of this, the passion and enthusiasm they showed were no less than those of Lazio fans in the stands!
In fact, when Manchester United attacked, Ferguson realized the problem.
However, at that time, he saw that Lazio’s defense was hastily organized, and he thought maybe this was an opportunity?
Although he told his players to keep a 0-0, they should not think too much.
But at this time, his mind was thinking too much.
He thought if we scored a goal away from home … wouldn’t it be better for our defense?
So he didn’t immediately make a hullabaloo about to let his players go back and stop attacking.
He doesn’t think that even if the attack fails, Lazio can score a goal at once-Lazio’s attack is not as sharp as this, and Manchester United’s defense has not failed to this extent.
So he was not worried at first.
But now … His expression has completely changed.
He still didn’t yell on the sidelines, but his expression was very dignified!
The frequency of chewing gum in his mouth has also accelerated-this is a manifestation of his nervousness.
Because it looks like this, Lazio’s attack is threatening!
He is worried that Manchester United’s goal will be declared lost!
If you lose the ball first, your tactical plan will be declared a failure.
After receiving the ball, balzaretti didn’t continue to take the ball forward, but passed the football obliquely to the front of the restricted area and the middle position.
There, center Klose pulled out of the penalty area and retreated to catch the ball.
He caught the ball, but he couldn’t turn around, because Nemanja Vidic, United’s main centre-back, pressed out and stuck close behind him.
Klose also didn’t intend to turn into the restricted area.
Lazio’s attack rarely makes the center take the ball with his back, then singles out the opponent’s central defender and then breaks into the penalty area to shoot.
Klose quickly gave the football club to Ballack.
Ballack assumed a posture of long-range shooting, and Fletcher, who was tricked into defending him, blocked the shot.
But Barak faked it. He tricked Fletcher into jumping up, dodging the empty space and passing the football to the other side of the rib.
Mario gotze catches the ball.
At the same time, Klose, who just returned the football to Ballack, turned forward and rushed into the penalty area.
His action attracted the attention of Manchester United defenders.
This is obviously the meaning of seeking cooperation with Gotze.
Klose, Ballack and Gotze are all Germans and international players of the German national team. They are very tacit together.
Gotze passed the football to Klose’s feet, which was very simple …
So Vidic didn’t dare to neglect and followed Klose closely.
Just then, Gotze passed the ball.
He put his ankle sideways and gently pushed the football forward!
However, football is not passed to Klose, but to the front of the ribs!
Then, amid everyone’s exclamations, Lazio’s right-back Azpiliquita came in. He sped up the rush, leaving behind Manchester United left-back Patrice Evra who defended him.
Then he got a pass from Gotze!
"Azpiliquita! ! He’s almost unguarded! !”
Amid the exclamations of the commentator, Azpiliquita chose the cross.
He whipped the football towards the door.
The speed of the ball is very fast, which can definitely make the goalkeeper who saves the ball at the primary level too late to save it!
Such a pass will also bring great trouble to the defenders who return to the defense-if you want to tackle the ball, you will only shovel the football into your own goal and cause an own goal.
If you choose other defense, you can’t make sure to kick the football out, because when you run back, facing your own goal, the football is fast, and it is really difficult to make other effective defense actions. No matter what defensive action you choose, nine times out of ten, you will bump the football into van der Sar’s own goal.
What if you defend?
That’s just right, but there are Lazio players behind us!
Therefore, Azpiliquita’s cross made Manchester United players feel very uncomfortable.
They’d rather Azpiriqueta pass the football, pass a high ball, slow it down, and fly it in the air for a long time, so Manchester United defenders can push it out.
The two central defenders of Manchester United are very confident in fighting for the top ball.
But unfortunately, Azpiliquita also knows their specialty, so he passed such a ball that made them extremely uncomfortable.
This led the two central defenders to get the boat when defending.
As a result, neither Vidic nor rio ferdinand could touch the ball.
And klose and david silva double ghost clap the door, tandem, flattery!
In the end, Klose didn’t meet in front, and david silva from the back hit the football into the goal!
"The goal-david silva! David silva! David silva! ! ! He took the lead for Lazio! Lazio led 1-0 at their home, and they broke the deadlock! Will this game enter the Lazio rhythm? "
The commentator raised his arms and shouted.
"Although Manchester United’s defense is very tight, this time they still showed their flaws! They were intercepted by Lazio when trying to attack, and Lazio completed a beautiful quick attack! "
"Manchester United’s tactic is to defend the away game and try not to lose a goal … but now it seems that their plan will be ruined …"
In the stands, Lazio fans jumped up from their seats, waving their fists and stamping their feet.
The stands seemed to be shaking.
They hugged, they screamed, and they danced in desperate ecstasy.
In stark contrast to them, in the audience of the visiting team, Manchester United fans sat in their seats with their heads in their hands and a depressed face.

Shang Heyang immediately laughed when he heard this: "Don’t deceive your husband in the next place. Shen Wuji is by no means a heartless person, otherwise he would not have been trapped in the trap 300 years ago. "

Shen Wugui heard about what happened 300 years ago, but there was nothing different. He said faintly, "If you don’t believe me …" But Shen Wugui said to the monk who knew the difference and the Taoist Tiezhong, "Why don’t you two continue to deploy?"
The two monks, Zhifei and Fei, heard the news and wondered what medicine was sold in this innocent gourd. However, Shen Wusu said, "Now that you two have seen that I didn’t run away, it is obvious that this law and this action are absolutely important to you and even your entire Kunlun Sect, and perhaps it is also related to the big things of life and death. But whatever your reasons, this disobedient little brother gave you a chance. As long as you can finish this picture before he makes a choice, you two may still have a chance to escape! "
The monk who knows the truth and the Taoist priest in Tiezhong all smiled bitterly when they heard Shen’s innocent words. Two people also don’t talk quickly began to decorate work.
In fact, what Shen Wuji said is not necessarily all right, but it is also close. Knowing that monks and Taoist priests in Tiezhong really have reasons not to leave. Taoist priest Zhifei and Tiezhong all know that if their powerful allies suffer losses because of their mistakes in this link, those strongmen will never let the Kunlun Sect go easily. It’s better to fight here than to die. Maybe there’s a chance! What’s more, at this time, they still have one step of dark chess and hope to get away after completing the array!
Shang Heyang looked at the array that was nearing the end. I am extremely anxious. It seems that I really don’t care at all when I look at Shen Wuze and Yin Sutang’s carefree appearance. Although reason tells Shang and Yang Shen that Wusu can’t care about her husband’s life, he dare not gamble with Shen Wusu.
Facing the threat, Shang and Yang, the King of Five Ghosts, took one look bitterly at Shen Wuze and Yin Sutang as if nothing had happened. A grin waved a white light straight to the monk Zhifei. And almost at the same time, the silver-gray lightning disaster and the Tanling Sumeru sword of Yin Sutang also attacked the Tiezhong Taoist.
The cultivation of the monk who knows that he is not the same as that of Shang and Yang, the king of the Five Ghosts, and this Shang and Yang just want to stall him and it doesn’t take much effort to recklessly. It is the enemy who advances and I retreat. The enemy’s retreat and the pursuit of the game are extremely rogue, and the two of them were deadlocked there for a while.
It is said that the Taoist Tiezhong, at the sight of Shen Wusu and Yin Sutang, had a great hatred at the same time. Although he knew that he would lose when facing two people at the same time, he still had a glimmer of hope at this time. Mana crazy to destroy only the mountain of huge iron bell purple mans a flash of courage. Straight towards the innocent sky, thunder and fire, and the altar spirit sumeru sword of Yin Sutang.
As soon as Yin Sutang saw Jiao Sheng, she said, "I didn’t expect that I hadn’t seen it for more than a hundred years. You coward have grown a lot! It’ s really courageous to face the innocent sister and me and dare to fight. "
Road flyover Tie Zhong didn’t answer. I have no heart to control the iron bell of double cultivation of life. Road flyover Tie Zhong said to himself, "As long as I can stall Shen Wuwei and Yin Sutang for a while, the secretive guy will be able to complete the array. As soon as the crypt crosses Shang and Yang, the mission fails. Will not be entangled again. At that time, it should not be difficult for the three of us to get away with it, even if we can’t win the witch Shen Wuji. " Thought of here, the iron bell road flyover is more cheerful, and his eyes secretly glanced at the array below.
This monk who knows who is not is dealing with the pestering five ghosts, Shang Heyang. Road flyover Tiezhong’s life is at stake. However, it seems that none of the warring parties noticed that the following array was slowly’ growing’. Originally, there was not much left, and it didn’t take ten minutes to complete this figure according to the degree.
Road flyover Tiezhong and monk Zhifei looked at it and sneered in their hearts: "Hum! Until the battle is over and the entrance to this crypt is destroyed. Then we’ll be three against two. See how you two bitches can kill me! Wait until the following things are over and the reinforcements return! Let’s work together to kill and see when you two women can be crazy! "
But when the huge iron and the two divine lights of ash and gold crossed, the road flyover Tiezhong was frightened to disgrace. I saw that the purple awn of his subway clock was torn as easily as a blank sheet of paper under the gray flame. After the collision, the gray divine light scattered at the touch of a touch, and the silver-gray flame devoured the huge iron clock like a hill like a locust.
Look at Yin Sutang’s altar spirit, the sumeru sword, flying into the air and incarnating ten feet. The dazzling golden light is even more dazzling, and the sunny sky is just like two days out. In those days, Taoist Tiezhong also participated in the siege of Wuyin Peak, and later he repeatedly went down the mountain to hunt down Yin Su Tang and was injured in Tiezhong’s hand for more than ten times. At this time, Yin Su-tang was even more jealous when she saw her enemy.
Yin Su-tang’s mana is as crazy as pouring flying swords without money. The altar spirit sumeru sword is more like a stimulant, chopping the iron clock crazily, and the road flyover clock will leave a scar of tens of feet with each sword. Look at that iron clock. It’s beginning to crumble under the double bombardment. I’m afraid it won’t last a few times.
This iron bell is the only magic weapon in the Taoist priest’s life, which has been practiced to the point of perfection. Today, however, Shen Wuji and Yin Su-tang ruined his iron bell, and the iron bell road flyover was badly injured.
However, until now, Taoist Tiezhong and monk Zhifei still insisted on not seeing the color of despair. And the moment they have been waiting for is finally coming, only to see the’ growing’ array below, and now there is only one last stroke left in this array. Just draw one last stroke, and this last crypt entrance will be destroyed. In fact, this’ growth’ pattern is what the dark chess of the Kunlun Sect did, and it is also the hope that the monks who know the truth and the Taoist Tiezhong persist to this day.
Both Taoist Zhifei and Tiezhong have put their hearts in their throat and are waiting for the last stroke to fall. One foot! Five inches! Two inches! One inch! ….. By this time, both the monk and the Taoist Tiezhong had a long sigh of relief. They know that even if Shen Wuji and others are now present, it is no hurry to stop them.
Road flyover Tie Zhong proudly looked up at the opposite Shen Wusu and Yin Sutang. But he was greeted by two smiling faces looking at him jokingly. Road flyover Tie Zhong immediately felt something was wrong. But he couldn’t find out what went wrong.
At this moment, I saw the innocent smiling plain hand lift a "pa" and snap a ring. Only to see the following array diagram that has completed 99.99% suddenly flew up with a rumbling sound. A cloud of smoke suddenly rose from the edge of the entrance to the crypt, and the original neat and rigorous array was also in chaos, and the already straightened energy was also in chaos. In short, the result is that Fiona Fang’s several-foot array needs to be redrawn.
Although it is almost nothing if it is at ordinary times. But at this time, this small change has undoubtedly become a death warrant for monks who know not and Taoist Tiezhong. When they saw this change, they immediately looked at the’ explosion’ dumbfounded.
And the five ghost kings Shang and Yang are also surprised and can’t help but regret. "As expected," the tunnel replied, "these two women have long had a successful career. No wonder they can be so calm and calm!" But at this point, he can only make mistakes. Shang and Yang Xin said, "Look at this form now. Today, it seems that the two thieves of Kunlun Sect are born to die. In that case, why don’t I work harder to win the monk who knows right and wrong. Selling Shen has no scale? " Thought of here, Shang Heyang was about to exert strength on his hand. Attack the monk who knows right from wrong. Only to see that three flashes of white light were as quick as lightning and went straight for the bald man who knew right from wrong.
When Shen Wuji and Yin Su-tang exploded together. A pair of glances immediately reached a tacit understanding. I saw the golden light of the altar spirit sumeru sword shaking like a golden dragon and bypassing a mountain of iron bells. Take the iron bell road flyover who is stupidly. And that Shen Wusu’s hand waved three days in succession to hit the bald man who knew that he was not a monk.
Road flyover Tie Zhong immediately lost his mind when he saw that the following law was destroyed. He just let go with the spirit of winning in close proximity. Although monks are tough-minded and experienced, Taoist Tiezhong once again raised his spirits in an instant. But it was this moment of discouragement and despair that doomed his end.
When Tiezhong Taoist once again raised his spirits to prepare for a desperate battle, he looked up and saw only the golden light in his eyes and the altar spirit Sumeru sword close at hand. He didn’t feel any pain within the golden light and the cold flank. Road flyover Tiezhong turned into a wisp of ashes between heaven and earth just because of a moment’s mental relaxation.
Yin Su-tang looked at the falling wisp of fly ash and the blue iron clock that lost its owner’s original body, and snorted. "It’s a real bargain to have no time today," he said. Otherwise, I will hit you with a hundred hammers like Mr. Zhong, and then let you die. "
Although the malicious words didn’t stop, Yin Su-tang and Tanling Sumeru Sword didn’t make a stop and went straight to the array below. In fact, just now, when Taoist Zhi Fei and Tiezhong unconsciously looked down frequently, Shen Wusu and Yin Sutang had already revealed the mystery of the following array. It’s just that they didn’t point it out, but they thought of one place in an instant.
On the verge of success, it’s just an inch short, but it’s the distance between success and failure, between life and death. This huge gap in the heart is bound to be an instant consternation, even if the mind is as firm as iron. And this moment’s absence is exactly the opportunity that Shen Wusu needs.
While Yin Su-tang’s sword cut the iron bell Taoist, Shen Shen’s innocent three days of robbery, thunder and fire were also divided into the middle, lower and third roads, and he went straight to the bald head, heart and abdomen of the monk who knew the difference.
If we say that in the Kunlun Sect, the one-yuan patriarch and the foolish monk of Zhangjiao are empty, we must count the eldest among the four friends of Kunlun to know that it is a monk. At the same time, as the top disciple of the Kunlun Sect, monk Zhifei is also a hot person in the next Sect, and he will handle the decision if he chooses many major issues. Therefore, a monk who knows right from wrong should be superior to others in both his mental quality and his choice in dealing with the crisis.
As soon as monk Zhifei saw the explosion pattern below, he knew it was not good and decided to escape immediately. He took advantage of Shang and Yang’s stupefaction to retreat to defend. Although Zhifei monk’s reaction has been very quick, when he looked up, he still saw that the three days of thunder and fire were just around the corner.
Knowing that the thunder and fire were too fierce, the monk Zhifei quickly offered a flying sword to resist it a little and left without looking at how Taoist Tie Zhong managed to fly. However, although the response and choice of Zhifei monk are first-class, what he faces is the witch’s application for innocence. In the face of absolute strength, any skill and wisdom will appear so pale and powerless.
Although Monk Zhifei avoided those three days of thunder and fire, he felt a pain in his ribs when he flew away. But at this time, the monk who knew Fei fled to the western sea without looking at the wound.
Shen Wusu looked at the back of Zhifei monk in panic and smiled and didn’t chase him just visible to fly below. At this time, Yin Su-tang has already met with the dark chess of Kunlun Sect, which has always been hidden in the dark.
Just now, Yin Sutang went straight to the entrance of the crypt below. And the golden sword light, the size of more than ten feet, is even more like a sweep, and the next one is who else has to avoid the edge.
Sure enough, with the fall of the Tanling Sumeru sword, a gray figure flashed and now fled straight to the forest next to it. I saw that this person is extremely short, and Zhu Mei is not as good as a blue-gray brocade robe, and his appearance is also correct. It’s just that the eyes are very cold and complete, and there are many malicious and vicious colors in the escape. It is conceivable that if it is a ruthless role in peacetime.
The figure was recognized as soon as it appeared, and her eyes were sad and her teeth were clenched. "Wei Shaoshao! Today, I, Yin Su-tang, am determined to cut you into pieces! "
It turns out that this person is the lion cave in Wushan Fengboxia, and Youlong’s son Wei Shaoshao is also one of the four friends of Kunlun. It was this man who killed all those maids and disciples who had little training when they besieged Yin Su Tang and broke the hidden peak of fog. It was extremely cruel. Now how can Yin Su-tang not be angry when he sees this person? !
Yin Su-tang, the sword of Tanling Sumeru, which has been chopped down but has been carried away by hatred, is somewhat out of standard. This Wei Shaoshao is known as Youlong Zi, which is famous for its fast speed. Nowadays, when we are desperate, we have already taken out the ability to fight for the bottom. Although Yin Su-tang’s golden sword light is magnificent, if it is cut according to this trend, it will probably miss Wei Shaoshao.
This is Wei Shaoshao’s dark move that Taoist Tiezhong and Monk Zhifei had high hopes for. Originally, the two of them held their opponent Wei Shaoshao in stealth, and it was extremely hidden to specialize in repairing the array. However, Taoist Tiezhong and Taoist Zhifei were anxious and looked at each other frequently, but they revealed clues.
And Wei Shao was so cunning that he knew that today’s business had been defeated and there was no turning point. He didn’t hesitate to fly and went straight to the forest next to it. Even if Yin Su-tang’s swordsmanship is exquisite, the spirit of Sumeru’s sword is as strong as electricity, and he can only watch Wei Shao leave the world.
Just when Wei Shao was about to enter the jungle, he thought he had escaped from heaven, but suddenly he felt that his body was stiff and he could not control the trend of his actions. This Wei Shaoshao has also been an old man who has been practicing for hundreds of years. He immediately knew that he was mentally paralyzed. As soon as I felt something was wrong, Wei Shaoshao immediately rushed Xuangong’s true qi and immediately returned to normal.
Although it was only a short moment, I felt pain in my left shoulder and right leg at the same time because of this little meal. However, he has a tough mind and doesn’t care about this injury at all. Wei Shao’s castration did not decrease, but he flew into the dense forest and disappeared into the dense trees in a flash.
Yin Su-tang bitterly watched Wei Shao disappear in the direction of tears’ scratching’ to flow down. "Elder sister! I let that dog get away! "
What is the inscrutable Zhu Mei waiting for and why is he anxious? Why did the Kunlun Sect destroy the entrance to the crypt? What role did Chasing the Cloud and Chasing Bai Guyi play here? What is the plan of the Emei Sect? Do you really want to see the magic religion yourself? Who is whose ally and who is whose enemy? The confusing game of Xiandao in the East China Sea is about to be announced. If you want to know the aftermath, please see the next installment of Intricate Interests.


Everything seems to be back in Zhumadian.

Shallow water pure heart rises from Yun Ni’s dreamlike figure in floating eyes.
Yun Ni, do you know that I am going through the hardest battle of my life?
Yun Ni, do you know that I still miss you at this moment?
Horses are neighing and combat knives are waving.
Shallow water Qing finally has the opportunity to play his own study and hard training for a long time.
Long Dao waved out of heaven and earth, startled the shallow water, and Qing rushed into the enemy line with the soldiers beside him.
Kill! Kill! Kill!
Killing the whole person has become numb.
It’s been a long time since the North-South victory that there has been such a hearty battle.
No longer thinking about victory, no longer thinking about the future, but the beautiful image in his heart supported him to kill every enemy in front of him or be killed by him.
Dozens of soldiers of the People’s Protection Army rushed to the shallow water to drink wildly, and his soldiers did not show weakness.
Shallow water Qing got a knife in his left arm, but he didn’t feel it. He chopped his opponent from shoulder to foot with a backhand knife and split it in two.
The blood in his left arm is like a stream rushing, splashing and splashing.
Shao Huafei, not far from his eyes, is calmly directing the shallow water to clear his eyes and immediately bursting out the greed of his enemy.
"flying snow"
A moment of flying snow suddenly rushed in the war here. In this sea of people, it rushed towards Shao Huafei.
Horseshoe stepped on the soldiers’ heads and screamed, and several soldiers of the People’s Protection Army were kicked away by it.
Every time he jumps in the shallow water, he is one point closer to Shao Huafei and the farther away he is from his own soldiers, but he is not afraid at all.
This war has not accepted more thoughts and emotions.
Seeing the opponent approaching Shao Huafei’s figure, he slowly retreated a dozen guards to make up for the shallow water, but he did not avoid being imposed on himself by his opponent’s sword, gun, axe and cymbals. He drank another "flying snow!"
Hey, hey, hey, hey, a long hiss of flying snow suddenly sang loudly. Shao Huafei’s hip steeds were surprised by this long hiss and raised their front feet in fear.
Shao Huafei never dreamed that there would be such a sudden change. At that moment, the whole person was subverted and almost fell off the horse. The flying snow was like a shock and swept away, and it jumped several meters away.
Shao Huafei looked up in astonishment, but it was the last scene in his life.
"Blood shadows are thousands of waves". The shallow water is clear and screaming, and the knife falls.
Snow light and blood light show a head shocked and exploded.
The head of the body fell heavily in the dusty smoke, and all the soldiers stared at this incredible scene in amazement.
In the distance, Yi Xing was shocked by the cold with disbelief. He looked at the shallow water and raised Shao Huafei’s head to the sky, making that arrogant noise.
"Our army will win!"
"Our army will win!" The same cry resounded on both sides of the battlefield.
The battlefield changed again. After Shao Huafei was killed on the spot by Shallow Water Qing, a flag fluttered in the distance.
Tens of millions of war horses reverberated with the roar of iron hooves, and a huge and long black line appeared from the end of the sky and filled the whole battlefield in an instant.
Banner hunting knife cluster gun forest mighty division dominates the sky!
Everyone saw it.
The heavenly wind army is shouting and cheering, but the people’s protection army is stunned and unaware.
Shallow water Qing indulged in shouting "Yi Xing Han, do you really need Tiger Leopard Camp to be my reinforcements?" You are all wet! "
At that moment, the banner of the season word was held high in the wind, showing the great power of the soldiers in the sky.
It turned out that the Central Legion had arrived.
There is room for them to break into the abyss of nine places and turn over again.
Chapter ninety The end of the war (1)
The long war finally came to an end, and the lead-colored clouds hung low on the horizon, and thunderstorms came from the clouds. The land was muddy with blood, and the whole wilderness was covered with broken limbs and bodies. You could run for half a day from one end to the other.
The living people step on the pile of blood and cheer, and the ferocious faces give a arrogant smile.
Shallow water is almost numb to walk in this battlefield, but my heart is full of sadness.
Ten thousand guards stopped the water, and the last warrior almost died in World War I.
After today, the resistance forces in the water-stop country can resist the attack of the heavenly wind army
It is not until today that the imperial ambition for a hundred years finally appeared, and the first stage was successful. He was shallow and clear, but he did not feel the slightest joy.
Too many people have died.
Seize the city and kill the city; Seize the country and kill the country; After all, he can’t do it without fighting, and the enemy can’t do the least killing for the greatest success.
It was a dream after all. He was shallow and clear, and it wasn’t that big a deal.
In the distance, Fang Hu ran excitedly with a spear carrying the head of a militia soldier. When he saw the shallow water, he vaulted his horse and hugged him and shouted, "Shallow water has won!" "
Hugging strongly affected the wound. Shallow water cleared his brow and frowned slightly. Fang Hu asked eagerly, "Are you hurt?"
"It’s nothing, thanks to Mu Shaojia’s missing the key."
"Ha ha, it’s also your business. I watched you from a distance and cut Shao Huafei with one knife. You are not responsible for Brother Qi."
"I haven’t been in person for too long, and my hands and feet are rusty. Brother Qi saw my knife method in the spirit of heaven, and maybe he was afraid of vomiting blood by my anger."
Fang Hu laughed. "Brother Qi really showed his spirit. Otherwise, how could the Central Legion people arrive at such a terrible time?"
Shallow water and faint smile
He didn’t say something after all. If he said it, Fang Hu would jump up and curse.