Liu Yantao’s movement was quickly detected by Cui Tingxun. He quickly ordered the army to prepare for the attack, but it took a while to know that this was a part of the Chu army, and the main force of the Chu army was still recovering inside and outside 1 O.

Cui Tingxun isn’t stupid, but it’s obvious that the Chu army can’t see a rabbit without spreading an eagle. They are waiting for their cavalry. If the Jin army is too weak, surely the Chu army wouldn’t be so calm. But do you really have a way to deal with my cavalry? Cui Tingxun smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth and ordered, "Pay attention to the main force of the Chu army!"
Not long after Liu Yantao left, Ma Yun led the remaining 3oooo troops to move slowly in the direction of Ni Kefu’s army. Just after walking for a mile, he heard the sound of the horseshoe coming from the east and turned his head to look at the dusty wasteland in the east. Ma Jun rushed over and waved the black Qidan banner and a huge "Cui" banner.
Ma Yun and Li Xiang couldn’t help but look at each other and have some respect for this Cui Tingxun. This man was not confused by the Chu army’s short radius attack plan, and insisted that Qingshan did not relax and directly handsome the army to pounce on the main force of Chu army.
Ma Yun waved his hand, "Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Shout, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock
As the distance approached the bow and arrow, the Khitan became a striker. The arrow was so skillful that it was extremely destructive to the Chu army. The central part of the Chu army slowly retreated backward. It was a square town. As the Chu army gradually retreated, its two legs gradually evolved into a crescent shape. After all, it was faster than four legs. The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer. The Khitan soon rushed into the Chu army. After the Chu army came in, seven people did not panic. Two or three people combined together with shields to deal with the cavalry sprint and trample. Two people held horse-cutting knives and two people specially cut off the horse’s legs
Cui Tingxun looked at Chu army’s retreat, and he was so happy that he didn’t feel strange and uncomfortable until he rushed into Chu army. Chu army and Jin army were different. Jin army fought against Qidan people, many infantry, used cannon fodder to consume Qidan’s physical strength, and finally collected cavalry to charge on both sides. Cui Tingxun, who had no cavalry in Chu army, rushed in with confidence and interest.
However, it was only after rushing in that the Chu army collapsed in four words, which seemed to be scattered by the Khitan soldiers. However, this Chu army was composed of seven people, who were fighting with the Khitan military forces. At the most time, it was difficult for these people to take care of both sides. As the Khitan military forces rushed deeper and deeper, the seven people of the Chu army combined with the strange formation power and gradually waved out. The cavalry stopped the pike and couldn’t stop the horse leg, but it was cut back, but there was an extra hole.
Seeing that there are more and more injured Khitan soldiers, Cui Tingxun had to shout "Retreat quickly", but he regretted that he had seen too much about the military strength of Wei Sheng, our time, and he didn’t even ask Chu Jun for details. Now look at this formation of Chu Jun, which is ready.
Mobile phone seal
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Chapter 14 Soldiers surround Nanyang
Update and read quickly!
In Xinye, Li Xiang’s attack plan didn’t confuse Cui Tingxun, but it gave Cui Tingxun the illusion that the Chu army was quite afraid of cavalry. ? ? ? ? This elite infantry can defeat the general infantry with less, but it is a completely different concept to let this elite infantry fight against the cavalry. Cui Tingxun has been a cavalry for a long time, and he knows how to maximize the cavalry advantage and completely defeat the infantry.
It is precisely because he has been through many battles that although the Chu army is elite, he did not take it to heart. Instead of attacking the Liu Yantao department, he attacked the main force of the Chu army.
Usually, as he makes a moment, ten thousand horses rush to raise bursts of yellow sand to cover half a day; Ma Dada is stirring back and forth in the wilderness, which not only shakes the four directions, but even the whole earth seems to tremble. I have never seen a large number of Ma Jun infantry. When I see this battle, I will be scared and shake my will.
Then there is the volley of ten thousand arrows. The Khitans are proficient in bowing and archery while keeping the horses running fast. Even if these arrows are released, the aim of the bow and arrow is reduced a lot, but in the case of secret casting, it is necessary to aim carefully. If someone is shot by an arrow and someone screams, the enemy’s battle will collapse
Then, fierce and fearless, he rushed into the enemy line and waved his whip and horse to trample on his opponent, relying on his high superiority and commanding pike to sprint back and forth to assassinate the enemy. The enemy completely lost the courage to fight cavalry, and he had to rush into the enemy line and kill it several times, so the elite infantry could not support it for long.
After all, he can’t find a war correspondent to interview the first-line officers and soldiers of the Chu army, but he knows from experience that the Chu army should be a little scared. By the time of the second volley, the Chu army had retreated. He thought it was the disintegration of the Chu army’s morale, and then he did not hesitate to command the army to rush into the Chu army formation. No wonder some Chu troops didn’t retreat when they first came in? Because it’s too thick to wear armor. Where are those people wearing armor except for the local body? It’s a bit scary to be alone after a group of three or five. This guy is not afraid of sprinting and riding. Cui Tingxun once personally knocked over a horse and stepped on it. As a result, looking back, the guy patted his ass and actually got up again. Is this a heavy infantry?
With these people going to the front, like a pier, the Khitan soldiers diverged along the pier. Only after Cui Tingxun really rushed to the Chu army did it become difficult to gather a team of 100 people. Although the cavalry came and went like the wind, the Chu army was no longer a tin man, but its superior forces were gone. It was either a long spear to stab the cavalry body or a short knife to cut the horse’s legs. The other strange array greatly waved the infantry forces and the advantages of the arms. The combination of long-weapon spearmen and short-weapon ju soldiers was so powerful.
Cui Tingxun is still experienced. Seeing that things are not right, he decided to "retreat".
It’s easy to come in and go out, but it’s difficult for Cui Tingxun to attack with people, just like the rising tide, screaming and patting the reef on the shore like a rainbow, stirring up thousands of waves, but when it’s time to retreat, it seems that the ebb tide can continue to move forward, and the trickle can pass through the cracks in the reef, and Cui Tingxun will fight to the death, and the call response will finally form a team of more than five or six thousand people rushing out of the Chu army formation.
Before he could catch his breath and calm down, a shower of arrows came from both sides. Cui Tingxun suddenly woke up. Just now, the retreat of the Chu army was not irresistible, but the Chinese army was deliberately recessed backwards. The two wings were highlighted in a crescent shape. When the Qidan army broke through, all the arrows made a final blow to the Qidan people. Cui Tingxun did not mean that he had the means to deal with it. At this time, the Qidan soldiers fled with one heart and one mind, and the fighting spirit was defeated. The situation has already formed his army. The ability to control has become extremely weak. When the troops fled to Dengzhou in a hurry, they met Cui Tingxun, who was preparing for the celebration banquet. They said a general situation, and it was a long time before he woke up and asked, "General Cui, is this so good?"
Cui Tingxun said uneasily, "The Weisheng Army and our main force are in Dengzhou, and we will stick to Dengzhou. If the Chu army once divides its troops and takes Nanyang, Xiangcheng, Township and other places, it will be a matter of course to hit me." Cui Tingxun wanted to say that beating the dog was temporarily changed to hitting me after playing for a long time.
I didn’t pay attention to him because I was nervous to death. This statement is asking, "Then let’s surrender to Nanyang."
Cui Tingxun had long thought so in his heart, but the Khitan military law severely lost its defensive position to cut him. He hesitated and said, "What about this one thousand positions?" I’m afraid we can’t afford to eat! "
Tuci shook his head and said, "This will not hinder us from staying in the Central Plains for a long time. When I was in Bianjing, we often missed the situation in the North. I heard that there are people rebelling in Xiangzhou and officials from Chengzhou (Chengxian County, Shaanxi Province), Fengzhou (Huixian County, Shaanxi Province), Qin Zhou (Baoji, Shaanxi Province) and Jizhou have taken refuge in Shu State again. We should not be interested in governing the Central Plains. Let’s surrender to Nanyang first. If we really return to the North, we have to follow suit. Moreover,
The two men were immediately surrendered to Nanyang with the money they had searched for. When they arrived in Nanyang, they learned that Gao Hanggui had been killed in Xinye, so they quickly reported the war in Dengzhou to Yelvdeguang.
The Xinye War captured more than 20,000 Jin soldiers, and Ni Kefu and Liu Yantao lost 2ooo men together, which can be described as a great victory. However, although Ma Yun’s main force competed with the Khitan army, although he captured more than 4,000 Khitan men, he actually lost nearly 6ooo men. This can’t help but make Ma Yun feel very sad. This formation was completed when Ma Yun was directly pregnant and guided by the staff department and was specifically planned and trained for half a year. I didn’t expect that the loss was still so heavy.
The only thing to be happy about is that the Khitan army was scared away to Nanyang by the Chu army. When Ma Yun led his troops to Dengzhou the next day, he sent troops to Xibeimen Township and called all the generals to discuss matters one step at a time. So far, this military operation has been too smooth. In the past, the plan was to take Xiangzhou, Suizhou, Fuzhou and Anzhou, but now he actually took most of Fangzhou, Junzhou, Xiangzhou and Dengzhou, and Qidan fled to the north with 20,000 troops of Zhu Yuan and Ding Sijin from Suizhou, Fuzhou and Anzhou.
Now the question before Ma Yun is whether to continue northward. Or just stop in Dengzhou
Liu Yantao is the oldest, and his actions in the past half a month have also made him most excited. He came out and said, "Your Majesty, the situation in the Northern Expedition is excellent. At this time, we can’t stop marching. We should March and then March into Bianjing to drive out the Qidan."
"Yes, yes, continue to invade." The generals in the handsome account said in succession.
I don’t know what’s going on in Liu Zhiyuan. If you want to take this opportunity to unify the north, it’s absolutely not enough. Ma Yun turned his attention to Li Xiang. Li Xiang laughed. "As the king says, how can you stop taking Nanyang when he is ill and wants his life?" However, your majesty, if our army moves to Nanyang, there will be a Shida army in the west with 5,000 troops guarding Junzhou, and there will be no Qidan army in Dengzhou on the west, but there will be Tangzhou on the east, and the commander of Tangzhou has just been convicted and reprimanded for the Horse Festival. This person is quite famous, and the Qidan people will lose their demeanor. Will Yelvdeguang send someone to recapture it? After all, Dengzhou is an important town in Shannan, and it has always been a battleground for military strategists. If reinforcements arrive, our army will fight in Nanyang City and the Tangzhou Horse Festival will suddenly copy our army’s posterior road, which will have to be prevented. "
Ma Yun looked at the map, and the situation showed that his troops were only 40,000. Even with the 20,000 surrendered Jin soldiers, it was only 60,000. If the Khitan really had reinforcements to contain his army in Nanyang, would Ma Jie send troops to attack Dengzhou and cut his own back?

"You said"

Xie Daoling sits on the throne of Wanhua, and hands hold the French-Indian phoenix eyebrow blown way
Peacock’s eyes shed tears and said softly, "The evil dumpling seized my beloved daughter and forced me to go to this muddy water, but in fact my heart was very reluctant."
"Now that I have seen the magic skill, I have the audacity to ask the fairy to help me save my daughter’s life. From now on, I will do whatever you want."
Xie Daoling just smiled in silence. "Sister is forced to act, so it is natural not to blame."
"Peacock! You don’t want your daughter to die! " Evil dumpling will be crushed as soon as it comes out.
"no!" Peacock flowers turn pale.
"Give me strength to attack that skeleton or I will kill your daughter!" Evil dumpling cold way
Peacock looked in the direction of Baihua Palace, and it was difficult to choose a short body, but slowly knelt down for half.
She begged, "Fairy, please."
The demon who sealed the sacred realm knelt down at a Terran saint tens of thousands of miles away and several demon saints did not move.
Xie Daoling sighed a spiritual force and urged his chest to emit a green light.
Listen to her whisper, "forget the Sichuan"
The inspiration rushed out of Baihua Palace and flew straight to the sky.
front line
The green light fell straight from the sky to the skeleton beauty.
The faint green fire in the skeleton beauty’s eyes suddenly filled the room and asked, "How many people are crossing this time?"
Baihua Fairy Road in Baihua Palace "All peacocks go to the black rope hell-the evil dumpling soul sends you to make a wick to burn him for 30 thousand years and then go to hell."
"Thank you for your wish."
With that, the skeleton beauty turned around and bowed down and said, "Please come aboard."
A series of human virtual shadows emerged from the heads of the demon saints and threw them at the boat of Forgotten River.
They struggled with fear and waved their hands.
However, apart from the body, all the practices and secrets are rooted in their display, and they can watch themselves leave the body and fly over the Forget River into the ferry boat.
A few dull rings, but their flesh fell from the sky to the ground and smashed a few big holes.
The skeleton beauty hummed a faint ghost song and shook the boat and left for the depths of the Forgotten River.
Chapter seventy-one Silver wire
Hundred Flowers Immortals perched high on the throne of thousands of flowers and slowly dispersed their magic formula.
Suddenly one strand of her hair turned silver.
Baihuaxian seems to have a little sleep, and her head is slightly tilted, and the silver silk is quietly lost in the black hair and can be seen from the outside.

When landing at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Chang Sheng and Ji Leng brought their luggage out together, and I saw someone holding a banner to welcome them from afar.

However, this time, Chang Sheng has not seen the diaosi mentality of this scene for the first time, and he greeted him calmly and calmly.
The other party also greeted him, looking very excited and happy.
He was quickly surrounded by people, and as for the Jileng of his peers, he was already squeezed out.
Chang Sheng looked back at Ji Leng and waved to him through the crowd: "I will go to your house the night after tomorrow! Do a good job and wait for me! "
Say that finish, then walk away.
While those who are surrounded by the ever-victorious courtiers look at their colleague Ji Leng with envy.
At this time, many people remembered that Ji Leng and Chang Sheng stayed in Spain for a season, and their relationship must be extraordinary!
So the person who had pushed him out before turned around and greeted Ji Leng with a smile: "Hey, old Ji, hard work! Tired from the long flight? That what … Oh, please help me to win some autographs … You know I have several friends who are his fans … "
Season smile nodded, not for just being pushed out. "Well, I’ll help you find him!"
Chinese-style enthusiasm and reception are not unfamiliar at all, but in the previous life, he and the work leaders entertained others together, but now he has been received by others with high standards.
In the evening, in a five-star hotel, Changsheng attended an invitation-only banquet arranged for him by Today Morning Post, a resplendent private room, a table of exquisite food that Changsheng had never heard of before, only heard of high-grade white wine, red wine and foreign wine that he had never tasted, leaders in suits and potbellies, and waiters in fitted cheongsam, tall and outstanding in temperament …
Such an occasion has always won two lives, and it is the first time to enjoy it.
While cursing "corruption" in his mind, he ate and drank happily.
Anyway, both sides are happy.
Ji Leng is also attending such a reception for the first time because of his constant success.
However, after more than half a year’s experience in Spain, there is nothing nervous about the cold season. He sits in the diagonal position of constant victory, although he is low-key, but he responds calmly and appropriately.
Although the director of the social news department who felt sorry for him half a year ago was also present, Ji Leng was able to be supercilious when communicating with him. In fact, he has to thank this narrow-minded editor. If he hadn’t sent himself to Spain, how could he have had such an experience?
Ji Leng lamented the impermanence of life.
Don’t bully the young poor, and don’t bully the middle-aged poor …
And the editor-in-chief looked at the calm and cool season, and his heart was mixed.
His original sincerity made things difficult, but now it seems that he has helped people he hates.
This reality made him very unhappy.
But now the cold season is beyond his control …
He was also worried that Ji Leng would give himself a bad look when he came back. I didn’t expect people to ignore himself at all.
This made him even more uncomfortable.
He ate the most unhappy meal.
Of course, he is unhappy, and no one cares. He is always playing soy sauce, which has nothing to do with Chang Sheng’s coming here. It is already very good to invite him to eat and drink. Who cares if he is happy or not?
Chapter two hundred and twenty-nine Your son is talented
The business activities went smoothly. Chang Sheng visited the building of Today’s Morning Post and sat down with the reporters and editors of the Sports Department to chat.
Then he took a group photo with leading reporters and editors in front of the brand wall of the newspaper.
This photo will appear in the newspaper to show off their abilities.
The next night, Chang Sheng took gifts to visit Ji Leng’s home under Ji Leng’s leadership.
In an ordinary residential area, ordinary two rooms and one living room, a different family with two employees.
Changsheng saw Ji Leng’s family.
Ji Leng’s family is not sensitive to Chang Sheng’s identity. They only know the interviewees of Chang Sheng and Ji Leng’s work.
That’s all. An old mother, a woman and a two-year-old child don’t watch football, they don’t know football, and they don’t know the significance of Chang Sheng as a football coach to China football-this is the formulation of China media.
But with them, Changsheng feels relaxed and comfortable.
He noticed that Ji Leng’s son was running around the house with the football Ji Leng gave him.
"Children like it very much!" Changsheng sat on the sofa and looked at Ji Leng’s son.
Ji sneered: "It’s okay."
Finding adults talking about themselves, Ji Leng’s son leaned in and stood in front of Changsheng, holding a football and looking at Changsheng outside.
Changsheng saw that he was naive, so he reached out and touched the child’s head with short hair.
The child looked a little shy, turned around with a football and ran to find his busy mother in the kitchen.
Chang Sheng shouted behind him, "Brother, will you teach you how to play football?"
The child ran back in a circle and asked Changsheng, "Do you want to collect money, uncle?"
"Cough!" Ji Leng, who was drinking water, was choked.
Ji Leng’s wife, who came out of the kitchen, explained awkwardly: "There are interested classes in the nearby Children’s Palace, and they all charge money. He must have heard from somewhere … well, children learn things very fast …"
Changsheng laughed: "It’s so cute!"

Gong Gong was angry in his heart, but he also knew that somehow it was Li Suiyun’s kindness that nodded sadly, but he didn’t say much.

Li Suiyun didn’t say much, but he took out a fast jade dish carved with fine spells from his arms and gave it to Gong Gong, but ordered, "You can avoid this jade charm to ensure that you won’t be found. When I go to solve a case, I will come back to see you."
Gong Gong is not allowed to dive into the water and hide.
Chapter seventy Independent resistance group of holy bravery hao
It is said that these five sages could not help sighing when they saw the floods here and there. "Linggen Heaven has granted HarmonyOS the freedom to travel in the four seas and Qian Shan, because once a deer lost its head, it turned over the mountains and the flood was deep."
Tongtian hierarch shook his head and sighed, "Gonggong’s move is to create poverty and kill evil, even to poison Sun."
Nu Wa’s Empress hated, "Don’t sigh, everyone, that now the vast expanse of stars has lost ten times and the vast expanse of land has been flooded by this flood, and now people are dying and need to help."
Tongtian hierarch said with a cold face, "It’s difficult to make a hole in the sky, but it’s necessary to make up for it before it can relieve the danger of the sky. If it’s not so, God knows when it’s gone wrong again."
At this time, the road flyover would like to compete again. He looked at the people and said, "Is this day a clean air?"
Yuan nodded, "But if you want to mend the sky, you need to dry Kunding. This treasure can refine the universe, turn the stars into five-color stones, and clear the air for the sky. But if you want to dry Kunding, you need to find a Taoist who is empty."
The prospective Taoist priest has already said, "Yes, Gan Kun Ding Zheng is fighting with the other talents in the hands of that Taoist priest, but he wants to beat me with this treasure, which is poor in power."
Tongtian leader grinned and looked at the saints’ way "I will come out to mend this tattered world at will. See Tongtian, so I said it thoughtfully, glanced at Zhun, Fuxi and Nu Wa and nodded and smiled." It is precisely for this reason that the world is now fragmented and needs to be mended, otherwise the world will be ruined, and I will be saved if I make such a disaster. "
Say yuan also ignore the saints to leave but was stopped by Fuxi.
Yuan saw eyebrows slightly wrinkled displeasure way "you are meaning? Do you want to stop me from leaving me here? "
Tongtian has not yet gone far, and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, urging Kuiniu to turn around and look on coldly but see that the other party has plans.
Road flyover here must sneer at the posture slightly, but it’s a bystander’s mind.
Nu Wa Empress is the most nervous, but holding a golden gourd in her left hand and a hydrangea in her right hand is a great move, so she plans to make a move.
Fuxi’s face was calm and light. "Brother Dao has forgotten something?"
Yuan was startled and pondered. "You mean to punish the Gong Gong Zheng?"
Fuxi nodded and said, "That’s exactly what happened, but it was Gong Gong who caused this great disaster. If we are not busy making up for it, how can we show our magical powers if we don’t let the wild creatures know that Gong Gong and Wu Men are hateful?"
Several saints nodded at once. "That’s exactly the case. If you don’t work together, even the whole world will hate me."
Yuan also nodded his head, even though the tongtian leader lamented his mouth in his heart.
The prospective Taoist priest also accepted the dharma elephant and rushed to the crowd with Naluo’s right hand still holding the wonderful tree of seven treasures. "This gong gong is ruthless and disregards the day. If you let the ash be cheaper, you need to produce it to warn the world."
At this time, I suddenly heard the National People’s Congress (NPC) in the sky drink a way: "You are so shameless that I have to hang this charge on the head of Wumen."
Several saints were taken aback, but which monk dared to be so bold in this situation? Will directly come out and scold everyone?
I haven’t waited for the crowd to come over in vain, but I saw a figure falling from the sky, regardless of the willy-nilly.
Yuan and Tongtian were taken aback and took a beat to get out of the mount, and they picked out weapons in the distance, so they had to guard the door first and suffered.
Nu Wa and Fuxi quickly retreated to the middle. One by one, Nu Wa’s face was full of tension, and there was already speculation about the identity of the bearer. Except for Taoist Fa Tian Qing Xu, which monk dared to stand out at this time?
That man is Li Suiyun. He settled down in Gonggong, but then he killed him. He saw these great saints get together, but he didn’t want to be involved in the past. He was both high-powered and eccentric, and several saints didn’t even find him.
Li Suiyun wanted to take a peek at the opportunity to snatch the river map and Luo from the quasi-hands, but who thought that the other party was actually trying to push all the sins to Gonggong, which made him angry? He is no longer hesitate to immediately.
The prospective road flyover was shocked when he saw each other menacing, and he was anxious to make the seven treasures look a little better. With this little power, he floated out of the hundred miles away.
Li Suiyun, however, listened with a malicious hand, only to find a foothold, but a pit was unfathomable, and all the bones were turned to water.
I must have met Li Suiyun, but I was angry and shouted, "You are cruel to me, but I must meet you today."
Li Suiyun shot down, but he was not angry. He also ignored the prospective road flyover. At first, he glanced at the scene coldly. Several saints gave a warning look to Nu Wa, who was stirring, before he looked at the prospective.
He must have suffered such contempt and couldn’t help but get angry. He slammed the seven treasures in his hand and shouted, "Do you dare to prove it to me?"
Li Suiyun sneered, "I’ve seen your golden body, and it doesn’t necessarily have much magic like you. Any middle-earth brother who is new to the Taoist school can make it out. Will you take it out and make it look ugly?"
Hearing this, the road flyover-to-be didn’t sneer at Li Suiyun’s theory. "Do you dare to fight in our world?"
The cold light in Li Suiyun’s eyes passed quickly, and he sneered, "I’ve heard for a long time that western religions are famous for their kindness, and the best guide to goodness is called the golden lotus, but I want to learn this kung fu today, so please help me."
Hearing this, the prospective Taoist was surprised, and he secretly wondered that the Taoist Qing Xu seemed to have a prejudice against western teaching, and he was puzzled by himself and even his teachings everywhere.
Li Suiyun saw the Taoist priest thoughtfully and knew that he couldn’t figure out what he meant. He immediately said, "I don’t want you to get involved in my oriental affairs, but if I let you stay in Los Angeles, you are afraid and don’t want you and me to fight."
Road flyover prospective coldly glanced at Li Suiyun and nodded slightly. "It’s the same reason. If you want me to retreat today, you need a fight to settle the cause and effect."
Li Suiyunwei mused, "If I win a bet with you, I’m afraid you won’t. In this case, I won’t argue with you, so I’ll go to your world and bet on winning or losing."
The quasi-Taoist nodded slightly and said nothing. He stretched out his palm and took out a grain of dust, but he saw yellow light directly scattering Li Suiyun himself in the past and didn’t know where to go.
When Yuan saw it, he shook his head and sighed, "Although the road flyover is advanced, he underestimated the younger martial brother Qing Xu, even if he was going to suffer a big loss."
Tongtian smiled and looked at Nuwa and Fuxi, who were slightly embarrassed. They shook their heads and sighed, "That Gonggong’s head can’t touch Zhoushan, and it seems that he is going to die."
Nu Wa Niangniang sneered, "It’s really a big face when the wizard comes out." After that, I looked at Yuantong Tiandao and said, "You two want to abandon the righteous with the righteous."

Now netizens need a word to block you.

"Oh, sheep shit is no longer so small, but dreamers do."
Give a hard, shiny slap and call your face without mercy
No matter how gorgeous an excuse is, it doesn’t really make sense. It never needs gorgeous words to decorate it. It is always simple and simple.
When all is said, you can’t do it. It’s not your turn to deny that this little leading role and supporting role will amuse the audience as much as it will be full of praise in ten or thirty years.
Weibo’s real-time comments are still scrolling and receiving rave reviews.
In the screen
Live broadcast
The dreamer stage is dark again, and then it lights up again. Before you have too much aftertaste, you won’t let the audience who have already laughed, take a break and continue to pick up a program.
Subtitle typing
Be full of knowledge and skills
"Xiang has finally arrived."
"Haha, I’m really not going to let my ABS rest."
Now, watching Dreamer’s Spring Festival Evening, the audience are very confident.
Yes, Xiang declined after liberation. In the 1990s, with the emergence of small entertainment forms and diversification, the decline of Xiang became even more inevitable. Later, the emergence of the Internet and the leap in communication technology accelerated this process. Nowadays, small people have been complaining about it, and Xiang is even worse than small.
But what if this is the main stage of the pit? Can it be the same?
Yeah, it will definitely look good, too.
With this expectation, the audience stared at the screen and didn’t want to blink again.
First of all, there are two actors. Naturally, it is a New Year’s greeting and self-introduction. This is not running.
Dear audience and friends, Happy New Year.
My name is Miao, and I’m an actor. Oh, it’s the first time to be on this stage. To be honest, I’m in a very good mood.
Hold "Yes, wait, you are in a very good mood"
Make "uneasy"
Hold "Do you want to say uneasy?"
"Ha ha ha ha ha"
Make a face of embarrassment. "Ah, oh, yes, yes, I’m sorry for you. It’s really embarrassing to lose this ugly culture."
Hold "attainments and cultural attainments"
There was another burst of laughter at the scene, and every second was a joke.
"It seems to be a unified text."
"It’s interesting."
I’m kidding you. I’m not as good as this teacher Wang next to me. I’m a college student and graduated from Shaanxi University.
There is no eating university in Peng Normal University in Shaanxi.
After I graduated from Shaanxi Normal University, I didn’t work as a major.

With Lazio’s ability and efficiency, it’s really a hit-and-miss …

Everyone knows this very well. So when the commentator saw that Inter Milan was going to fight Lazio, he asserted: "It seems that this game may be a big score again …"
Didn’t Leonardo know?
Of course he knows, but what can he do? He must win. On the one hand, it is to lead the team to win the Champions League qualification next season, and on the other hand, it is hoped that victory will prove his ability so that he can continue to coach at Inter Milan.
Leonardo had to gamble for the future of himself and the team.
Chapter three hundred and eighty-eight God is a Lazio fan
Inter Milan is very brave to play against Lazio at home, and everyone knows what will happen in the end.
There is no suspense.
People who like Inter Milan are willing to call Leonardo’s decision "brave".
But more people will only think that Leonardo was frightened by Lazio and lost his mind. This is not "brave", this is … "stupid"!
At the beginning of the game, Lazio raised the tempo.
Since Inter Milan are going to attack us, let them have a good time!
So the two sides started to attack each other on the court, and you came and went.
It is very lively.
But overall, Lazio has the upper hand.
Inter Milan’s players are not weak, but their head coach is too weak to put such a fighting whole together.
So Inter Milan is at a disadvantage.
What about Lazio? If you want to say how many world-class stars there are in the team, it’s not really. The best players in the world are not in their squad yet, but they are the most powerful in Europe as a whole.
This is related to winning constantly.
Now the biggest hero of Lazio’s rise is sitting in the coach’s seat, crossing his legs and watching his team play against Inter Milan.
Goals are also easy to appear under this kind of open-ended kicking method.
In the 17th minute, the first goal of the game was born.
There is no doubt that the team that scored first is Lazio.
Taking advantage of Inter Milan’s assist, Lazio successfully intercepted the ball from Mai Kong’s foot, and then launched a counterattack from the space behind him.
Fast pass, the football soon came and hit the 30-meter area of Inter Milan.
At this time, there are more attacking Lazio players than defending Inter Milan players!
At the front of Inter Milan’s restricted area, they formed a local advantage of five dozen four!
No matter how defensive Inter Milan are, they will always miss a Lazio player.
This makes their defense uncomfortable.
David silva, who took the ball, and Klose, who withdrew to meet himself, made a one-on-one match and easily broke into the penalty area.
After entering the penalty area, he pretended to shoot, and deceived Inter Milan defenders Lucio and Samuel, and as a result, he sent the football to the middle.
Gotze, who came in from the diagonal line in the ribs, won and roared!
The football flew into the goal in front of Cesar!
During the whole process, Lazio players and football were not in motion and never stopped.
In this attack, you saw that Lazio players hesitated after receiving the ball, looking around, looking around and observing the situation.

Real Madrid and Dortmund are both tied and lost with only one point.

Moreover, Real Madrid, the Spanish super giant, is still at the bottom of this group.
Because there is no goal, the number of goals is less than that of Dortmund, and Real Madrid ranks fourth in the group, which is the last one …
It is said that Benitez has been given an ultimatum by Real Madrid after the draw with Nottingham Forest.
If he can’t win the Champions League group stage, he will have to leave class.
So this game against Dortmund will be his life-and-death battle.
Fortunately, he is playing at home, otherwise it will be more dangerous.
That’s why we should pay attention to this game.
The first two games proved that Nottingham Forest is definitely a tough team.
Because their defense is so good …
It’s really good for Real Madrid and Dortmund to keep a clean sheet.
Dortmund won’t talk about the first game against Nottingham Forest. Dortmund may still be a little proud and underestimating his enemy.
But Real Madrid is different. They lost to Lazio in the first group match, so they are eager to win. They will definitely attack in the second game.
This is also the case.
Real Madrid bombed away for 90 minutes without scoring …
After Lazio achieved great success by relying on offensive football, more and more teams also raised the banner of offensive football.
A temporary attack has become the mainstream trend in European football.
Defending the team was criticized by public opinion instead.
A team like Nottingham Forest looks very strange in today’s environment.
They scored two points by these two games and ranked second in the group.
There is already such a sound. Some media said that if such a team broke into the top 16 of the Champions League, it would definitely be an insult to the Champions League, the world’s highest-level football match …
The game against Nottingham Forest will also be very difficult for Lazio to attack.
Chang Sheng and the coaching staff have carefully studied the Nottingham Forest Games video and found that this is actually not a defensive team. They also have their own unique features in attack, but on the whole, their overall style is indeed defensive counterattack.
The word "solid defense and sharp counterattack" can well summarize the characteristics of this team.
At present, their coach Tony Twain leads Nottingham Forest to play a kind of football that is out of tune with this era. With this kind of football, they qualified for the Champions League. With this kind of football, they eliminated Lyon and entered the Champions League. With this kind of football, they are still unbeaten and ranked second in the group.
Dunn’s defensive tactics in the game were called "wall defense" by the English media, which means that their defense is like a wall.
People always stop a bus in front of the goal, and they just build a wall in the restricted area to completely seal the goal!
Many teams are at a loss in the face of their defense
Then, when attacking on a large scale, the defense line was unconsciously empty.
At this time, Nottingham Forest will make a fierce counterattack, which is very efficient. One counterattack can fix the game.
This is how Lyon died in the Champions League qualifier.
After losing a 3-0 away from Lyon, Lyon returned to home and planned to attack and deal with the opponent.
Not long after the game, they did score, which made the total score 13, so they were two goals short.
Lyon’s morale was greatly boosted, and he attacked harder and turned a blind eye to the defense behind him.
In this way, Lyon bombarded the forest team at home and lost four goals instead.
Nottingham Forest scored four goals by defensive counter-attack.
Soon Lyon found that they had made a mistake, but they had no better choice but to attack. If they attacked, of course, they would lose more goals, but if they defended, the score was enough for them to die.
In the end, Nottingham Forest scored four goals in one breath, completely locking in the number of places to advance to the race.
In the end, Nottingham Forest beat Lyon 41 away, with a total score of 71 and eliminated Lyon.
Such a secret defense as breaking Nottingham forest will be a problem for Lazio.
Chapter 34 People on whom Nottingham Forest depends
Nottingham Forest’s defensive stability mainly depends on three people. One is their main goalkeeper, Peter Johnson, who is only 21 years old this year.
This is now the main goalkeeper of the England national team.
He is two meters tall, but he is not clumsy and very flexible. His wingspan is particularly long, so that he can easily jump to many ordinary goalkeepers, and he has to be very reluctant to jump to the ball.
This is his advantage.
He rose from Nottingham Forest two seasons ago, and the supernova has been blown into casillas II by the English media-meaning that although he is tall, he is agile and good at dodging the ball, and the second most important thing is that he is almost equivalent to casillas’s defensive base in the most chaotic period of Real Madrid in England …
In fact, this nickname sounds more like the English media’s poor defense of the English national team …
However, he did play very well because of his rapid rise. At the age of thirty-four, Joe Hart, an English national, has retired from the main position of the national team to become a substitute for Peter Johnson.
The goalkeeper is the last line of defense for a team, but it is obviously impossible for a team to defend well and always expect the goalkeeper to play beyond his ability to save lives.
Nottingham Forest can’t be the best defensive team in England and keep a clean sheet in the Champions League group stage if it depends on the goalkeeper.
Their good defense is mainly due to their strong midfield.
At this time, there must be two other important people in this team.
Jian Chen
At the age of twenty-six, he was the main player of both China national team and Nottingham forest team. He was also a player who was sent abroad by the "Star Plan" company. First, he obtained Spain, which was still very young at that time, and then he gradually kicked out and became more and more famous.
He was selected for the China national team and played many games. Nottingham Forest valued him and dug him from the yellow submarine after he was promoted to the Premier League.
He is characterized by flexible body shape and defense, mainly relying on excellent card position consciousness and flexible and agile running, but his brain makes up for this disadvantage.
In China, it is enough for the national team to take charge of sweeping the midfield by himself. Other players in China can attack with confidence, which shows how excellent his defensive ability is.
In Nottingham forest team, he and george wood cooperated well.
Only last season did he win the best foreign aid award selected by the Premier League.
Moreover, Nottingham Forest has just successfully renewed his contract and given him a six-year contract. The annual salary and bonus have been greatly increased. Tony Twain directly told those teams that are interested in Chen Jian that Chen Jian is a valuable asset and will not sell it at the press conference.
George Wood
Nottingham forest captain is only 24 years old and is already a world-famous midfielder.

Xing Xuan smiled and led Mo Chen to say, "It never occurred to Prince Mo Chen that your father’s illness may have started because of them. It was because they were afraid of your Dragon Palace to conquer them that they secretly killed you, leaving you too busy to conquer them?"

Mochen sighed, and said, "It’s also because my brothers are too shallow to help my father. Even if we have doubts about them, there is no evidence at that time. Moreover, because my father is sick and has no strength to make a conquest, we just want to wait until my father is well before making plans. Who knows that my father’s illness is getting worse and worse? If it weren’t for the arrival of the Dragon Patriarch and the Tang Fei brothers, we still didn’t know that my father was poisoned, not the immortal five.
When Xing Xuan saw the opportunity, he smiled and said, "Prince Mochen, what is the strength of my men?"
When Mochen’s eyes lit up, he looked at Xing Xuan in disbelief and asked, "Does the Dragon Patriarch mean that he can help us wipe out the East China Sea?"
"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one sea cannot accommodate two dragons. Didn’t Prince Mochen ever think about sweeping the East China Sea? " Xing Xuan smiled and said.
Mochen didn’t speak, but his mind turned to electricity: This Long Xingxuan obviously came to the East China Sea to find the abode of fairies and immortals. After listening to the moth singing and the arrogant floating forces, he was determined to wipe out these two forces with the help of the name and power of his Dragon Palace. This is a win-win thing for them and the Dragon Palace. There is no reason to refuse it, so I don’t know what attitude people in the square foot of Lingtai have towards it. Thinking. Then Prince Mochen turned his eyes to Sun Boyi and Tang Fei.
Xing Xuan also looked at Tang Fei and said, "Brother Tang, it’s a waste of time to find out the cause of grandpa. If we try our best to conquer all the forces in the East China Sea, those who will release this kind of malice will certainly make moves. At that time, with my brother’s eyesight, he must have nothing to hide! "
Tang Fei listened. His eyes lit up and he said, "Exactly!" Say that finish, looked at the mo Chen, in Tang Fei’s heart, has always been suspicious of the Dragon Palace middleman’s success. At this time, after hearing what Xing Xuan said, I suddenly understood that when the two sides fight, when life and death are at stake, no one can leave a hand. At that time, whether it is the Dragon Palace middleman or other forces in the East China Sea, as long as the poisoned person is now, his grandfather’s illness can be cured.
When Mochen saw that Tang Fei also agreed to come down, he was overjoyed. He turned around and said to an Aquarium immortal general beside him, "Go and invite General Fenshui, we have something to ask him!"
"Go and invite Shen Gongbao?" Tang Fei always has some resistance to Shen Gongbao. Hearing this name, I frowned again.
"Ha ha, only Shen Gongbao knows the specific situation of moth singing and floating light forces!" Mochen smiled and said to Xing Xuan and Tang Fei.
Xing Xuan also nodded and said, "Prince Mochen has done the right thing. We should try our best to win over all neutral forces, or we will be miserable if they form an alliance and fight against us together!"
After hearing this, Mochen looked stunned, then immediately woke up and said to a dragon lady, "Go and invite the 19th sister, just say that my father misses her and let her go home!"
The dragon lady promised, flew into a flash of water, left the Dragon Palace and went to Geshang Palace in the south.
"Who does the prince want to deal with first?" Star xuan asked at this time.
That Mochen ha ha smiled and said, "Of course it’s the moth singing. Although the moth singing is tough, there are at least 50,000 sailors under his command. Besides, this man is simple-minded and impulsive. He is just a brave man. As long as one of us is better than the moth singing, he will be subdued by himself, and we will not worry that the moth singing palace will not be captured by us. Just now, I saw that the skill that the Dragon Patriarch just showed was profound, and he was sure to be able to resist the moth singing, and those sailors under his command just need to give it to me! "
Xing Xuan nodded. Now there are 16-bone spears, descendants’ bows and Kuafu’s staff. Just now, he drove the moral Buddha’s mount back. Xing Xuan was very confident in himself, but he didn’t believe that the moth sang worse than Qing Cheng.
"Report to the Prince, General Fenshui is coming!" At this time, the hag who just went out came back, got down on one knee and reported back to Prince Mochen.
"So soon?" Mochen was a little surprised.
"Back to the prince, I didn’t invite the water general in the water general’s house, but met him halfway. He was about to come to the Dragon Palace to pay his respects to the eldest king and his royal highness the prince!"
The hag answered.
"Ha ha, it’s rare that he has such filial piety! Invite him in! " Mochen ha ha smiled and told Hag to invite Shen Gongbao.
Soon, he saw a bead curtain outside the palace, and Shen Gongbao followed the hag closely to the Dragon Palace.
Star Xuan eyes couldn’t help red mans flashing, looking toward the Shen Gongbao, a look, I was taken aback, now this Shen Gongbao unexpectedly and the blood shadow Deng Fei uniting the achievement method is somewhat similar, the whole body is shrouded in a mass of lotus flower, only the mind and soul, but it is not invisible.
However, this Shen Gongbao’s kung fu is much better than the blood shadow Deng Fei’s. Under the star’s golden eyes, the whole body is transparent, shaped like running water, and there is no long shape, and more can’t see the location of the mind and soul. Obviously, this achievement method has been practiced to the point of perfection.
After watching it for a long time, Xing Xuan withdrew his golden eyes and looked at the external illusion that Shen Gongbao showed.
Wearing a blue-gray cap and a blue-gray cassock, his face is extremely simple, his face is focused, revealing piety and simplicity, but his neck is slightly twisted. I don’t know if it is caused by habit or what harm he has suffered, so that his invisible body can’t pose a correct shape at will.
Tang Fei saw Shen Gongbao coming, and his face showed a disgust.
When Sun Boyi saw Shen Gongbao, he laughed, put his arms around Shen Gongbao and shouted, "Brother, you missed me so much!"
Because there were so many people in the hall, Shen Gongbao didn’t see Sun Boyi just now. At this time, when he saw Sun Boyi coming forward, his face suddenly showed a little panic. Then he burst out laughing and put his backhand around Sun Boyi and cried, "Brother, you miss me too!"
"Show it to General Shen!" At this point, the prince Mochen said to the dragon lady around him at this time.
The dragon lady hurried out and brought a crystal chair, leading Shen Gongbao to sit down beside the hall.
After Shen Gongbao was seated, his face was still startled. He hugged Mochen and said, "I didn’t know there was a distinguished guest coming to the Dragon Palace. Please forgive me for interrupting Shen Gongbao!"
Mochen laughed and said, "It’s all right, it’s all right, General Shen, let me introduce you. This is the patriarch Long Xingxuan from the human world, and here is the purple pistil fairy from heaven. I don’t need to introduce him here. Master Sun Boyi and Tang Fei, the god’s eye!"
Shen Gongbao listened to Mochen’s introduction, and got up quickly. He told Long Xingxuan and others that he was fuels, repeatedly saying things like "I’ve heard a lot about him" and even didn’t believe himself.
Star Xuan ha ha a smile, also with the Shen Gongbao polite words, and then, to sit down.
"Shen Gongbao came here this time to pay his respects to the old dragon king. Why isn’t the old dragon king here?" The Shen Gongbao found a circle at this time, and there was no sign of Aoguang now, so I asked Mochen.
"Oh, my father is in poor health, and now he is resting in the back hall, so it is not convenient to come out. When my father wakes up in the future, I will naturally inform my father of General Shen’s kindness!" Mochen politely said to the Shen Gongbao.
"Alas, the old dragon king’s health has been getting worse and worse over the years. I really don’t know what’s wrong with him. It’s really worrying!" The Shen Gongbao face look of regret, said to Mochen.
"Ha ha, thank you for General Shen’s concern. I think my father’s stubborn illness will get better in a few days!" Mochen ha ha a smile and said to Shen Gongbao.

Chapter two hundred and fifty-two Shen Gongbao
"oh? Did Prince Mochen find the cause and know the way to eradicate it? " Shen Gongbao’s face suddenly showed joy.
"Ha ha, that’s right. The patriarch Long Xingxuan from the human world saw the cause and knew how to eradicate it. I think my father will recover in a few days!" Mochen said, a pair of eyes fixed on Shen Gongbao. It seems that his heart is suspicious of Shen Gongbao, who has many opportunities for his neighbors.
"Oh, it’s really gratifying. I didn’t expect the Dragon Patriarch to be a master of Xinglin. Shen Gongbao grovel, grovel!" Shen Gongbao suddenly reveal a surprised look, looking towards the star xuan.
Xing Xuan laughed and said, "It’s just a collision. It’s not a master of Xinglin. It’s just that Grandfather Sun has the same symptoms as the old dragon king. I have some experience in treating Grandfather Sun and used it on the old dragon king according to law!"

"I can’t believe it. I cry and cry."

"Haha, women’s big brothers, real women’s big brothers"
"After that, Mrs. baiwan, who has been completely destroyed by the pit owner baiwan, is so beautiful."
"It’s really good-looking. How do you dress up?"
"Ah, ah, ah, ah, Lord, I’m going to give you a monkey."
On-site magic dressing up and gorgeous transformation, although the explosion of the program effect made the audience ecstatic and even more explosive, it was not suluo’s women’s dressing up and flourishing beauty, nor suluo’s dancing with long sleeves, but some of his chorus was still laughing at the scene and in front of the TV. The audience was dumbfounded.
"Love and hate are in a flash"
"Raise a glass to the moon."
It’s love and hate. In an instant, the scalp pins and needles and the hair blows up. In an instant, all the audience at the scene and in front of the screen are shocked. It’s unbelievable that the eyes will pop out of the rhythm while covering their mouths.
This is impossible.
"Love and hate are two boundless"
"Love when you ask a gentleman"
Rice fragrance says good harvest.
Listen to "wow"
Chapter four hundred and ninety-three Looking back, laughing, shame and beauty
There is no way to guess the pit master’s playing routine.
You and he want a women’s show, and the whole world wants a women’s show. Weibo eats melons, and the masses are ready to brush a wave of "big hanging cute girls", but they see a cold mask
You, you’ve been cheated again. You’ve been miserable. You’re disappointed and desperate
I never thought that the most gorgeous way of his horse club would instantly show you the beauty show of the prosperous age.
You’ll kill him like this, and then your voice will get worse
Don’t you dare believe it
Everyone was stunned.
Stunned and unbelievable
"Ah ah ah"
"Oh, my God, it’s a woman."
"Is it true that he sings? It’s too scary."
"Beijing Opera, authentic Beijing Opera"
"That’s amazing. That’s a real girl. It’s like singing in a woman’s bones. His balls are meowing and he’s going to be shown off."
This song, this song is a pair of men and women, and both of them are performed by one person.
First, the pure man Li Longji recalled, then the pure woman died and became immortal. Yang Yuhuan missed Li Longji.
One day, one person, Yin and Yang are separated from each other, and their love will never change.
"Chrysanthemum Terrace Reflects the Moon"
"Who knows that my love is cold?"
"Drunk in the arms of kings"
"Dream back to love in Datang"
Being an immortal should have no cold feeling, but Yang Yuhuan still loves Li Longji, and she is still tied down by people’s true feelings before she feels the biting chill. Even in the celestial world, she will sit in the attic covered with chrysanthemums all day and watch the sunset and the moon alone.
Jiangshan beauty was forced to choose Jiangshan, and I knew it was my destiny.
Since it’s a robbery, if Du Jie wants to be buried in the loess, he will always be reborn if he doesn’t die
You have to wait until the time.
Only when you are drunk can you dream of love in Tang Dynasty.
There is no answer, and now I can express my gratitude to the king.
The beauty of the prosperous age tickles people’s hearts, and the singer is amazing to the people of China.
Even the reporters who have been satirizing Su Luo’s vulgar gimmicks like "big women’s clothes" and "big cute girls" to cater to fans were shocked.
In order to cater to fans, follow the trend and create gimmicks, when you see this scene, you have no nerve to say anything.
I don’t even wait for you to say "pa" and slap you directly in the face.
If you change clothes, sing and dance, many people will call you a pervert.
Changing women’s clothes, singing and dancing are definitely the pursuit of art.
No, I can’t
It’s not just as simple as changing women’s clothes. His voice was completely changed to a pure woman. After a voice, he was amazing. His scalp was numb and he was covered in goose bumps.
It is simply a perfect interpretation of the static and dynamic beauty of Yang Guifei’s charming and graceful style.
I’ve seen a lot of men dressed as women, but I’ve never seen such a thorough dress. If I don’t know if he is a man, I’m afraid so.

Plus …

Looking at the column of gender female made me lost in thought.
Soon, as the truth emperor spoke in a crooked way, almost everyone found out this fact. They wanted to kick this person out of the gang while their sister didn’t pay attention, but there was no limit.
The fight for soy sauce is over, and the people just stand in the Woods, no matter whether they will be exposed to playing the lark for nine days or not.
People have come here, but they haven’t come to investigate who agreed to let this little mushroom join the gang to play soy sauce. They have been desperately urging to remove it quickly.
"I brought it."
Muyun idle light said that the tone was tepid and there was nothing wrong with it.
The soy sauce makers were stunned when they finished.
Beique Liu Xiao and Qing Wan Li didn’t speak because they knew best what the little mushroom had done to hooves.
And now you promise to protect hooves and accompany hooves and hooves to do this? Drag such a person who has hurt his hoof into this gang.
They have not recovered until now.
[21. Chapter two hundred and twenty Everyone firmly]
"I don’t think it’s necessary for me to pull a person into the gang." Listening to all kinds of venting noises in my ear, Mu Yun was idle and waiting for everyone to stop, lightly added.
The people who had stopped to make soy sauce were almost in a mess when they heard this.
This man, is he still the one who stopped them and was very firm and tough, showing his attitude towards hooves?
What, they have always thought that they are indifferent to sex, but now they are so elusive. Have they never understood him?
After nine days, I was very embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. After all, it was he who gave Muyun leisure to the deputy gang, and it was he who made Muyun leisure get the corresponding limit. It was also he who was supposed to pull friends into the gang. This is a good thing to add popularity in the general gang, and the other party is a younger sister, which can be welcomed by everyone.
But this gang of theirs …
After nine days, their faces were a little sad. Before this gang was a bit special, they couldn’t recruit girls. After all, the gang was a group of people who made two jokes from time to time. Even if a girl joined the gang, she immediately retired in one day. Later, seven crows pulled her hoof in. A new girl didn’t know anything about it. She was indifferent to some strange actions of soy sauce, but it was normal. Slowly, her hoof stayed. Everyone got along very well. Soy sauce people didn’t know when it became a "crazy sister control" and she couldn’t recruit girls until now
He’s a Wang, but unlike other Wang, he doesn’t care about recruiting many girls to attract a popular gang. He thinks it’s really good. A girl with hooves in the gang can also help you cook food fights from time to time. It’s good to play the piano. After all, although he has no experience, he also knows that women have many places to play soy sauce. This pit is enough for him. He doesn’t want to take part in palace fights.
In this way, the tacit understanding of soy sauce in everyone has developed, and he has gradually taken these as a matter of course and regarded them as immutable soft rules.
Until …
Looking at the name of the new gang member nine days later, I really can’t help but smile. When will my sister become a hot potato for him?
Although he talked to Beique in private, he said that the robbery in Luoyang was not very clear, but this sister sometimes passed by but he often saw it.
Brave and handsome
Different from the stupid hoof and the incurable hand disability
This is his impression of this little mushroom in the fight.
But it was also in my heart that I secretly praised it for a moment, but it really made him remember that this little mushroom often hangs out with Muyun, which made him a little worried.
At this time, when Muyun talked about "What’s wrong with pulling a person", he really couldn’t say anything. A friend who had a good time pulled into the gang and couldn’t add anything. Muyun’s leisure is also an old friend in the gang. If it is only because of his concern, it really doesn’t matter. After all, it is normal for a Han to make friends with some younger sisters. Strictly speaking, it is somewhat unreasonable.
"oh! Alas! " Nine days later, he stepped in to interrupt a new round of quarrels among soy sauce makers.
"This is nothing, isn’t it! Cloud idle just pulled a person! Everyone still plays! " Acting as a peacemaker for nine days, I feel that my face is almost stretched. "Yunxian, you know that these pit goods like to toss something every day, and now they are also playing with you!"
"Well," I accepted the idea of walking around in front of my face.
"Hey, master!" Fudge smiled unceremoniously and said, "Do you know that when a person lies, the decibel will be much higher than usual?"
"Ah?" Some didn’t react after nine days.
"The fact is that Wang’s voice was a little high just now, which may be due to his guilty conscience. After all, Wang also recognizes our roots, which is not noisy." Tell me the truth, the Emperor added, when he tells the truth, he is always active.
"ah! Did you just make trouble again! " I don’t know if I really found the problem or deliberately changed the subject nine days later. "How come two gangs suddenly joined us to help the enemy! Where the hell are you now! What are you doing! "
"Suzhou! You’re messing around there again! Hurry! Who is the head of the team? Let me join the group! " There is a sinister hope that "someone" can see the rude orders from the soy sauce makers nine days after they left without saying anything on purpose but kept sending messages on the gang channel.
I was reluctant to let the fudge go. After nine days, I joined the team and gave the head of the team a direct job for nine days. I made up my mind to fight to the end.
soon afterwards
Wan Li entered one by one.
In the end, it’s MuYun leisure and … Little mushrooms.
Originally, I was angry at the hostile fight, and I was very brave in soy sauce. At this time, it was like being pressed the pause button again, and I looked at the two people in front of me.
Actually … Actually, there are still local tyrants Xiu En * * riding together.
This is putting their sister on the ground!
If the team leader hadn’t handed it in long ago, the red-eyed fudge would definitely guarantee that the first thing he did was to kick Mu Yunxian out of the team at once and then all the people would kill him!
"Well, I heard a little that the gang was fighting and killing, so she asked to come over." Muyun said in an idle way, I don’t know whether to explain or state a fact.
At this time, the soy sauce makers really stopped all their movements, even if they made a tentative attack on the enemy, they didn’t strike back, and their hearts were long gone.
Originally, they were cheerful and determined to trick their younger sister into a "saving the hero" scene, but at the moment, they hoped that their younger sister would never come to see this scene. I didn’t know when the chat box was closed, and everyone stood like a stone carving.
Beique looked at hoof and hoof and sent a message asking what happened to the gang at this time. Some people were at a loss.
Now this situation shows that Hoohoo hasn’t chatted with the gang information to check the new gang members, so it would be bad to let Hoohoo come at this time.
The gang channel is full of dissatisfaction and serious protests. These are really controlled by other methods.
If Mu Yun’s attitude is firm, the soy sauce makers are also firm. They have no frolic elements in it.
At least he is also an executive. Even if he is lazy in management, he should know something.